Sunday, April 20, 2008

When Christ Comes Again

When Christ comes again, He will be looking for something...HIMSELF! He will be looking for a people that bear His image, that reflect His glory, that are walking in His holiness. A people who are filled with the Spirit. A people whose desire is the Father's will, whose hearts are pure, and whose lives reflect the awesome power of amazing grace. Paul gives a picture of what we are to look like in Ephesians. Chapters 4 and 5 reveal what Christ is looking for today among those of us who wear His name. We are to live a life worthy of the calling we have received (4:1). Paul insists that our life must be different than it was before we came to know Christ (4:17). We have been created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. What a privilege! May this be our prayer, our cry, our heart's desire! Paul employs the picture of 'walking' or 'living' to communicate this changed life. We are to walk in love (5:2), walk in the light (5:8), walk in wisdom (5:15), walk in strength (6:10). This is possible only through the Spirit's cleansing and control-be filled with the Spirit (5:18). Christ is looking for those who do more than wear His name. He is looking for those who follow His steps and reflect His glory. Let's find out what pleases the Lord (5;10), and through the leadership of the Holy Spirit understand what the Lord's will is (5:17). He is looking for Himself.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Convincing Proof

Christ is alive. Luke in Acts 1:3 does not make an extensive list, but communicates the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was alive. After His suffering, after Christ fulfilled the Father's will, there was a strategic period of time between the resurrection and ascension. The convincing proofs(Acts 1:3) came in simple ways such as eating with them, walking with them, helping them fish, etc. The resurrected Jesus walked among them, continued to instruct them concerning key issues, helped the defeated ones to press forward, and exhorted the disciples to embrace the challenge that was before them. In daily life they were needing to learn to live as if Jesus was alive, and He is! We need to live each day with a keen awareness of the living Christ. If we will allow, if we will look for, if we will expect, the convincing proofs can be still be seen. Living with an awareness of His presence is a key to worship, holiness, discipleship and all of life. The Scriptural record of Christ's post resurrection appearances were in non-spectacular and everyday activity. That's where I need Him most-in everyday life. That's where He wants to make an impact-in everyday life. He will be with you always (Mt. 28:20). Let's practice the presence of the living Christ. Let's live with a keen awareness that He is here. Let's refuse to succomb to the noise, busyness and distractions. Fix your thoughts on Jesus (Hebrews 3:1)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

When Christ Comes Again

When Christ comes again, He will be looking for something...HIMSELF! He will be looking for a people that bear His image, that reflect His glory, that are walking in His holiness. A people who are filled with the Spirit. A people whose desire is the Father's will, whose hearts are pure, and whose lives reflect the awesome power of amazing grace. Paul gives a picture of what we are to look like in Ephesians. Chapters 4 and 5 reveal what Christ is looking for today among those of us who wear His name. We are to live a life worthy of the calling we have received (4:1). Paul insists that our life must be different than it was before we came to know Christ (4:17). We have been created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. What a privilege! May this be our prayer, our cry, our heart's desire! Paul employs the picture of 'walking' or 'living' to communicate this changed life. We are to walk in love (5:2), walk in the light (5:8), walk in wisdom (5:15), walk in strength (6:10). This is possible only through the Spirit's cleansing and control-be filled with the Spirit (5:18). Christ is looking for those who do more than wear His name. He is looking for those who follow His steps and reflect His glory. Let's find out what pleases the Lord (5;10), and through the leadership of the Holy Spirit understand what the Lord's will is (5:17). He is looking for Himself.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Convincing Proof

Christ is alive. Luke in Acts 1:3 does not make an extensive list, but communicates the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was alive. After His suffering, after Christ fulfilled the Father's will, there was a strategic period of time between the resurrection and ascension. The convincing proofs(Acts 1:3) came in simple ways such as eating with them, walking with them, helping them fish, etc. The resurrected Jesus walked among them, continued to instruct them concerning key issues, helped the defeated ones to press forward, and exhorted the disciples to embrace the challenge that was before them. In daily life they were needing to learn to live as if Jesus was alive, and He is! We need to live each day with a keen awareness of the living Christ. If we will allow, if we will look for, if we will expect, the convincing proofs can be still be seen. Living with an awareness of His presence is a key to worship, holiness, discipleship and all of life. The Scriptural record of Christ's post resurrection appearances were in non-spectacular and everyday activity. That's where I need Him most-in everyday life. That's where He wants to make an impact-in everyday life. He will be with you always (Mt. 28:20). Let's practice the presence of the living Christ. Let's live with a keen awareness that He is here. Let's refuse to succomb to the noise, busyness and distractions. Fix your thoughts on Jesus (Hebrews 3:1)