Monday, December 29, 2008

Prince of Peace

Christ entered a world filled with war, strife, prejudice, injustice and hostility. His message created unrest, turmoil and anger. During his ministry there seemed to be constant tension, down to the final episode of the cross. Into that picture the bold proclamation was made, peace on earth. The irony of it all is that His cross became the bridge between man and God by which we discover peace. This is a peace with God through Christ. A peace that is found when we repent of our sins, and turn from sin to walk in obedience to Christ. His peace extends into everyday life. It is a precious gift of His presence in us. As we recieve His grace, yield to the control of the Holy Spirit, stand on His promises, we find a peace that passes all understanding. This peace is a calm assurance that it is well with my soul, that the Lord is in control, and that His grace is sufficient. It is the peace of God as we walk in obedience to His word. The world around may be exploding but you have found a resting place. You have found the cleft in the rock and are aware of the everlasting arms of the Father. Isaiah 48:17-18 identifies obedience as a key to this peace. If I am obedient, then I am trusting in Christ. That trust is the foundation of this peace. If I want peace, then I must want Christ more than anything else. If I want peace, then I must walk in obedience to His word. As we end one year and begin another, let's focus our desire on the person of Christ and our determination to be obedient to the word of Christ.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Everlasting Father / Isaiah 9:6

Some translate this incredible title, 'Father of Eternity.' This One transcends all that has been and all that will be. Out of eternity into time He came for a brief period. If you have seen me you have seen the Father (John 14). What a revelation! The death of my Dad on 12/30/03 was a challenging time, and it still carries its challenges. There are multiple times when I would cherish a word, a hug, a day together. His presence made a difference. I was blessed to have such an excellent father. But he is no longer available, except through the precious gift of memory. But this Father is eternal. There is no end to His life giving presence. This is the Father who provides. He is Yahweh-Jireh (Gen.22:14). This Father is the life giving Father, and the life He gives is eternal. This life flows out of His person, His being. The everlasting Father provides everlasting life. The Son given, the Child born is the life of the Father.

Abba Father: I embrace your love for me. I thank you and rejoice in your provision of amazing grace and unending mercy. I cherish the privilege of being your son. Thank you for my Elder brother who has redeemed me and set me free from sin and death.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mighty God / Isaiah 9:6

The One whose presence we cherish today, was and is the revelation of God's omnipotence on behalf of mankind. He is the God who conquers. Christ overcame the world (John 16:33), and triumphed over all the powers of darkness (Colossians 3:15). The challenge is to submit to this power. Mankind cannot get free of sin, guilt, despair, and death through self effort. A Savior is needed. Born for us a Savior who is Jesus Christ. Divine intervention. His counsel is wonderful, leading us out of confusion. His omnipotence brings order out of chaos. Mankind's best effort still leaves the world full of chaos and confusion. The wisdom and strength of man cannot fix the problem. The heart surrendered to Christ finds order, peace, well being. Because Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, He can forgive sin, defeat Satan, liberate people from the power of evil, restore the broken heart, and bring life out of death. He is able! He is able! Let us give him the right to make the best of us. Charles Wesley said it this way. "The name of Jesus is a tower that hides my life above. You can, you will my helper be, my confidence is all in You, the gracious God of love."

Advent/Isaiah 9:6

I have been remiss with blogging. We'll do a little Christmas catch-up today. Our focus is the great passage in Isaiah 9:6. Each title brings light to the person of Jesus Christ. Meditate upon these and allow the Holy Spirit to apply them to your journey of faith today.

Christ is the Wonderful Counselor. This counselor not only gives counsel that is wonderful, for it is truth, but the counselor himself is wonderful. It is the wonder of the Word become flesh. The eternal God becoming man, emptying himself, stepping out of eternity into time. The wonder of the whole picture begins by focusing our attention upon Jesus Christ who is more wonderful than my mind can conceive. Because he is wonderful, because His counsel is wonderful, His kingdom is free from confusion. Those who follow Him walk in the light, are led in paths of righteousness, and become like a tree planted by streams of living water. Instead of confusion there is courage, confidence, and conviction. His counsel ignites hope, brings strength, instills confidence, fosters freedom. His counsel is a wisdom that comes from above. It is 'pure, peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere (James 3:17)." He gives wisdom from above, eternal truth that enables victorious living today. The 'fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Let us cultivate the habit of 'inquiring of the Lord.' Moses prayed a simple prayer that directs us in this path. "Lord teach me your ways so that I may know you and continue to find favor with you (Exodus 33:13)."

Monday, December 29, 2008

Prince of Peace

Christ entered a world filled with war, strife, prejudice, injustice and hostility. His message created unrest, turmoil and anger. During his ministry there seemed to be constant tension, down to the final episode of the cross. Into that picture the bold proclamation was made, peace on earth. The irony of it all is that His cross became the bridge between man and God by which we discover peace. This is a peace with God through Christ. A peace that is found when we repent of our sins, and turn from sin to walk in obedience to Christ. His peace extends into everyday life. It is a precious gift of His presence in us. As we recieve His grace, yield to the control of the Holy Spirit, stand on His promises, we find a peace that passes all understanding. This peace is a calm assurance that it is well with my soul, that the Lord is in control, and that His grace is sufficient. It is the peace of God as we walk in obedience to His word. The world around may be exploding but you have found a resting place. You have found the cleft in the rock and are aware of the everlasting arms of the Father. Isaiah 48:17-18 identifies obedience as a key to this peace. If I am obedient, then I am trusting in Christ. That trust is the foundation of this peace. If I want peace, then I must want Christ more than anything else. If I want peace, then I must walk in obedience to His word. As we end one year and begin another, let's focus our desire on the person of Christ and our determination to be obedient to the word of Christ.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Everlasting Father / Isaiah 9:6

Some translate this incredible title, 'Father of Eternity.' This One transcends all that has been and all that will be. Out of eternity into time He came for a brief period. If you have seen me you have seen the Father (John 14). What a revelation! The death of my Dad on 12/30/03 was a challenging time, and it still carries its challenges. There are multiple times when I would cherish a word, a hug, a day together. His presence made a difference. I was blessed to have such an excellent father. But he is no longer available, except through the precious gift of memory. But this Father is eternal. There is no end to His life giving presence. This is the Father who provides. He is Yahweh-Jireh (Gen.22:14). This Father is the life giving Father, and the life He gives is eternal. This life flows out of His person, His being. The everlasting Father provides everlasting life. The Son given, the Child born is the life of the Father.

Abba Father: I embrace your love for me. I thank you and rejoice in your provision of amazing grace and unending mercy. I cherish the privilege of being your son. Thank you for my Elder brother who has redeemed me and set me free from sin and death.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mighty God / Isaiah 9:6

The One whose presence we cherish today, was and is the revelation of God's omnipotence on behalf of mankind. He is the God who conquers. Christ overcame the world (John 16:33), and triumphed over all the powers of darkness (Colossians 3:15). The challenge is to submit to this power. Mankind cannot get free of sin, guilt, despair, and death through self effort. A Savior is needed. Born for us a Savior who is Jesus Christ. Divine intervention. His counsel is wonderful, leading us out of confusion. His omnipotence brings order out of chaos. Mankind's best effort still leaves the world full of chaos and confusion. The wisdom and strength of man cannot fix the problem. The heart surrendered to Christ finds order, peace, well being. Because Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, He can forgive sin, defeat Satan, liberate people from the power of evil, restore the broken heart, and bring life out of death. He is able! He is able! Let us give him the right to make the best of us. Charles Wesley said it this way. "The name of Jesus is a tower that hides my life above. You can, you will my helper be, my confidence is all in You, the gracious God of love."

Advent/Isaiah 9:6

I have been remiss with blogging. We'll do a little Christmas catch-up today. Our focus is the great passage in Isaiah 9:6. Each title brings light to the person of Jesus Christ. Meditate upon these and allow the Holy Spirit to apply them to your journey of faith today.

Christ is the Wonderful Counselor. This counselor not only gives counsel that is wonderful, for it is truth, but the counselor himself is wonderful. It is the wonder of the Word become flesh. The eternal God becoming man, emptying himself, stepping out of eternity into time. The wonder of the whole picture begins by focusing our attention upon Jesus Christ who is more wonderful than my mind can conceive. Because he is wonderful, because His counsel is wonderful, His kingdom is free from confusion. Those who follow Him walk in the light, are led in paths of righteousness, and become like a tree planted by streams of living water. Instead of confusion there is courage, confidence, and conviction. His counsel ignites hope, brings strength, instills confidence, fosters freedom. His counsel is a wisdom that comes from above. It is 'pure, peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere (James 3:17)." He gives wisdom from above, eternal truth that enables victorious living today. The 'fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Let us cultivate the habit of 'inquiring of the Lord.' Moses prayed a simple prayer that directs us in this path. "Lord teach me your ways so that I may know you and continue to find favor with you (Exodus 33:13)."