Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Tomorrow I have the privilege of facilitating a class at Amarillo College on leadership. As one author states, 'leadership is an art.' When I first read the title of that book, I was startled, because I am not very artistic. One thing I have learned about leadership, it is a challenge. To be a leader, one must be a learner. I don't know that I am a leader, but I do know I want to be a learner. Pastoring is a task that requires one to become a leader, and carries some interesting tensions. To be a servant leader, a shepherd leader is the Biblical model. The church growth movement and the rise of the mega-church in America has thrown the 'ceo leader' model into the mix. In a culture that exalts Donald Trump, and a church culture that exalts the one with the largest attendance, the leadership model of Jesus is often overlooked. In preparing for the class, and compiling a list of leadership definitions, the following by Leith Anderson in his book, Leadership That Works, got my attention.

"The truth is, very few leaders are heros. Most leaders work quietly, and their effectiveness comes as a result of a long series of wise decisions and good behavior. Most leaders are known in a very limited sphere."

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Tomorrow I have the privilege of facilitating a class at Amarillo College on leadership. As one author states, 'leadership is an art.' When I first read the title of that book, I was startled, because I am not very artistic. One thing I have learned about leadership, it is a challenge. To be a leader, one must be a learner. I don't know that I am a leader, but I do know I want to be a learner. Pastoring is a task that requires one to become a leader, and carries some interesting tensions. To be a servant leader, a shepherd leader is the Biblical model. The church growth movement and the rise of the mega-church in America has thrown the 'ceo leader' model into the mix. In a culture that exalts Donald Trump, and a church culture that exalts the one with the largest attendance, the leadership model of Jesus is often overlooked. In preparing for the class, and compiling a list of leadership definitions, the following by Leith Anderson in his book, Leadership That Works, got my attention.

"The truth is, very few leaders are heros. Most leaders work quietly, and their effectiveness comes as a result of a long series of wise decisions and good behavior. Most leaders are known in a very limited sphere."