Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Call To Worship

Jesus' encounter with the lady at the well in John 4 has much to challenge us .Her hunger and thirst were deep and the emptiness of life's repeated failures brought great pain and frustration to her person. How simply and generously Jesus responded to her and enabled her to find the living water. In the course of the conversation, the topic of worship was addressed. She talked about places and the Lord talked about the heart. Worship is about the heart. The Father is seeking worshipers. He is seeking the individual whose heart is set on Him. We have made a mess out of worship in the American church. Worship wars, music styles, lights, sound, smoke-the presentation reflects our addiction to Hollywood and the need to 'feel' something. The result is the American church scene has often become inspirational, therapeutic, entertaining, man centered and presentation driven. It has become a show. It is culturally inspired and no longer driven by our awe of a holy God and humility concerning His amazing grace toward us. We are in bondage to our cultural climate and missing the transformation of heart and life that come from true worship. When we encounter the true and living God in all his holiness and purity, whether you feel anything or not, there should be a transformation taking place through that encounter. When we gather for corporate worship, it's not for a show, but to remember and celebrate Almighty God. We gather because of who God is, not because of who is preaching, singing, or what songs we sing, or the children's ministry. We gather because of Christ. The Father is seeking those who desire Him. Every day is a battle over our worship. Satan works to draw our attention, affection, and adoration away from Christ. As Hebrews states, 'let us fix our eyes on Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith."

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Call To Worship

Jesus' encounter with the lady at the well in John 4 has much to challenge us .Her hunger and thirst were deep and the emptiness of life's repeated failures brought great pain and frustration to her person. How simply and generously Jesus responded to her and enabled her to find the living water. In the course of the conversation, the topic of worship was addressed. She talked about places and the Lord talked about the heart. Worship is about the heart. The Father is seeking worshipers. He is seeking the individual whose heart is set on Him. We have made a mess out of worship in the American church. Worship wars, music styles, lights, sound, smoke-the presentation reflects our addiction to Hollywood and the need to 'feel' something. The result is the American church scene has often become inspirational, therapeutic, entertaining, man centered and presentation driven. It has become a show. It is culturally inspired and no longer driven by our awe of a holy God and humility concerning His amazing grace toward us. We are in bondage to our cultural climate and missing the transformation of heart and life that come from true worship. When we encounter the true and living God in all his holiness and purity, whether you feel anything or not, there should be a transformation taking place through that encounter. When we gather for corporate worship, it's not for a show, but to remember and celebrate Almighty God. We gather because of who God is, not because of who is preaching, singing, or what songs we sing, or the children's ministry. We gather because of Christ. The Father is seeking those who desire Him. Every day is a battle over our worship. Satan works to draw our attention, affection, and adoration away from Christ. As Hebrews states, 'let us fix our eyes on Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith."