Friday, September 10, 2010

Blaming God / Burning Books

As a pastor you hear a lot of excuses for various forms of behavior. A common excuse is the one being exercised by the pastor in Florida who wants to burn the Koran. He is blaming the whole episode on God. "We are only trying to do what God told us to do." No, they are only trying to do what some short sighted man wants to do. It is interesting that the church's name begins with "Dove". The symbol of peace and the Holy Spirit and yet for this man and his people it seems to be only a symbol. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace... We all know Christ told us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute-a stretch for any of us. It's easier to burn books, call names, drop bombs, file lawsuits than to love. Let's abandon the "God told me" excuse. This man's proposed actions do not fit with the Jesus way. It is amazing that so much attention has been generated by a single, small church. Yet it is amazing how much hatred, anxiety, hostility was generated by 911-the actions of only a few. A terrible tragedy that left many deep wounds, but only a few expressed the hatred. Hopefully this man will move beyond his selfish agenda, see the bigger picture and ask a simple question, 'what would Jesus do?' The answer: He loved his enemies and calls His church to do the same.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Blaming God / Burning Books

As a pastor you hear a lot of excuses for various forms of behavior. A common excuse is the one being exercised by the pastor in Florida who wants to burn the Koran. He is blaming the whole episode on God. "We are only trying to do what God told us to do." No, they are only trying to do what some short sighted man wants to do. It is interesting that the church's name begins with "Dove". The symbol of peace and the Holy Spirit and yet for this man and his people it seems to be only a symbol. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace... We all know Christ told us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute-a stretch for any of us. It's easier to burn books, call names, drop bombs, file lawsuits than to love. Let's abandon the "God told me" excuse. This man's proposed actions do not fit with the Jesus way. It is amazing that so much attention has been generated by a single, small church. Yet it is amazing how much hatred, anxiety, hostility was generated by 911-the actions of only a few. A terrible tragedy that left many deep wounds, but only a few expressed the hatred. Hopefully this man will move beyond his selfish agenda, see the bigger picture and ask a simple question, 'what would Jesus do?' The answer: He loved his enemies and calls His church to do the same.