Monday, December 29, 2008

Prince of Peace

Christ entered a world filled with war, strife, prejudice, injustice and hostility. His message created unrest, turmoil and anger. During his ministry there seemed to be constant tension, down to the final episode of the cross. Into that picture the bold proclamation was made, peace on earth. The irony of it all is that His cross became the bridge between man and God by which we discover peace. This is a peace with God through Christ. A peace that is found when we repent of our sins, and turn from sin to walk in obedience to Christ. His peace extends into everyday life. It is a precious gift of His presence in us. As we recieve His grace, yield to the control of the Holy Spirit, stand on His promises, we find a peace that passes all understanding. This peace is a calm assurance that it is well with my soul, that the Lord is in control, and that His grace is sufficient. It is the peace of God as we walk in obedience to His word. The world around may be exploding but you have found a resting place. You have found the cleft in the rock and are aware of the everlasting arms of the Father. Isaiah 48:17-18 identifies obedience as a key to this peace. If I am obedient, then I am trusting in Christ. That trust is the foundation of this peace. If I want peace, then I must want Christ more than anything else. If I want peace, then I must walk in obedience to His word. As we end one year and begin another, let's focus our desire on the person of Christ and our determination to be obedient to the word of Christ.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Everlasting Father / Isaiah 9:6

Some translate this incredible title, 'Father of Eternity.' This One transcends all that has been and all that will be. Out of eternity into time He came for a brief period. If you have seen me you have seen the Father (John 14). What a revelation! The death of my Dad on 12/30/03 was a challenging time, and it still carries its challenges. There are multiple times when I would cherish a word, a hug, a day together. His presence made a difference. I was blessed to have such an excellent father. But he is no longer available, except through the precious gift of memory. But this Father is eternal. There is no end to His life giving presence. This is the Father who provides. He is Yahweh-Jireh (Gen.22:14). This Father is the life giving Father, and the life He gives is eternal. This life flows out of His person, His being. The everlasting Father provides everlasting life. The Son given, the Child born is the life of the Father.

Abba Father: I embrace your love for me. I thank you and rejoice in your provision of amazing grace and unending mercy. I cherish the privilege of being your son. Thank you for my Elder brother who has redeemed me and set me free from sin and death.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mighty God / Isaiah 9:6

The One whose presence we cherish today, was and is the revelation of God's omnipotence on behalf of mankind. He is the God who conquers. Christ overcame the world (John 16:33), and triumphed over all the powers of darkness (Colossians 3:15). The challenge is to submit to this power. Mankind cannot get free of sin, guilt, despair, and death through self effort. A Savior is needed. Born for us a Savior who is Jesus Christ. Divine intervention. His counsel is wonderful, leading us out of confusion. His omnipotence brings order out of chaos. Mankind's best effort still leaves the world full of chaos and confusion. The wisdom and strength of man cannot fix the problem. The heart surrendered to Christ finds order, peace, well being. Because Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, He can forgive sin, defeat Satan, liberate people from the power of evil, restore the broken heart, and bring life out of death. He is able! He is able! Let us give him the right to make the best of us. Charles Wesley said it this way. "The name of Jesus is a tower that hides my life above. You can, you will my helper be, my confidence is all in You, the gracious God of love."

Advent/Isaiah 9:6

I have been remiss with blogging. We'll do a little Christmas catch-up today. Our focus is the great passage in Isaiah 9:6. Each title brings light to the person of Jesus Christ. Meditate upon these and allow the Holy Spirit to apply them to your journey of faith today.

Christ is the Wonderful Counselor. This counselor not only gives counsel that is wonderful, for it is truth, but the counselor himself is wonderful. It is the wonder of the Word become flesh. The eternal God becoming man, emptying himself, stepping out of eternity into time. The wonder of the whole picture begins by focusing our attention upon Jesus Christ who is more wonderful than my mind can conceive. Because he is wonderful, because His counsel is wonderful, His kingdom is free from confusion. Those who follow Him walk in the light, are led in paths of righteousness, and become like a tree planted by streams of living water. Instead of confusion there is courage, confidence, and conviction. His counsel ignites hope, brings strength, instills confidence, fosters freedom. His counsel is a wisdom that comes from above. It is 'pure, peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere (James 3:17)." He gives wisdom from above, eternal truth that enables victorious living today. The 'fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Let us cultivate the habit of 'inquiring of the Lord.' Moses prayed a simple prayer that directs us in this path. "Lord teach me your ways so that I may know you and continue to find favor with you (Exodus 33:13)."

Monday, November 3, 2008


We are on the eve of another presidential election. The media makes it a mess and candidates make promises they can never keep. Politics and religion were the death of Jesus Christ. Both are driven by a selfish motive that seeks to manipulate others to fulfill a personal agenda. My greatest concern for this election revolves around the direction our country could take regarding key moral issues such as abortion, homosexuality, and the definition of marriage. These issues are deeper than politics and reflect a greater chasm in the heart of America. We have become godless and immoral, embracing the wrong and rejecting what is right. Selfishness reigns in our nation. Solomon gave this directive: "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people (Proverbs 14:34). Even Solomon did not use his wisdom to make proper moral choices and follow the directives God had given for the king (Deut.17:14). Selfishness is not a new issue. Christ died to set us free from the destructive force of selfishness. This selfishness makes truth relative, something driven by personal opinion and preference.

At this time in America my heart is heavy for the church of Jesus Christ that is beset with selfishness. Christ's people must repent, and embrace God's call to righteousness and holiness. We have abandoned the ways of the Lord, and followed our own selfish agendas. We will get a new president, but that is not the solution. We need a new church in America. A church that is focused on Christ, following Christ and displaying Christ. God forgive us for making grace cheap and obedience optional. Let the church rise, and with a pure heart and clean hands proclaim to a watching world, Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life-Follow Him!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Beautiful Thing

Mark 14 records the story of Christ being anointed by a woman. A similar story is recorded in Mt. 26 and Lu. 7. Everytime I encounter this episode, my heart is challenged. It was at a critical time in the life of Jesus. It was an invasion of a situation that was stale with hypocrisy and selfishness. It was beautiful and stands in stark contrast to the selfishness and sin that surrounded Christ. It was true worship, and the Father is seeking worshipers. The Father is seeking the beautiful. The heart that is humble before Him. An aroma filled the house that made many uncomfortable. Words escape me concerning this picture; however, the Holy Spirit always uses it to search my heart, expose my motives, and question my authenticity. That she was willing to be so brave, transparent, and vulnerable. That she was willing to appear foolish, and to take such a risk to honor Christ. I have a hard time lifting my arms in praise of Christ in corporate worship. In preaching in different churches each week, it seems hard for people to step forward and come to a place of prayer. It seems as if we are stuck, entrenched, and afraid of what others might think. If there is going to be a revival in the church in America, the church must do something beautiful. We must humble ourselves before the Lord and ask Him to lift us up. We must, through the work of the Holy Spirit, become true worshipers. My prayer is that in the end, the life I live in this flesh will have been something beautiful for the Lord.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Our Father

Tomorrow my oldest daughter gets married. She is a beautiful young woman, and has chosen a first class young man for her husband. It has been an awesome responsibility being the 'man' in her life during these years. My shortcomings and failures in that task, point to our need to be intimately connected with our Father in heaven. Sometimes human failure creates a barrier to the development of that relationship. The good news is, the Father in heaven has gone to the most extreme measures to reveal Himself. He opened wide his heart through the Son. All the barriers were removed, and whosoever will may come. His heart is wide open. It is a heart full of grace and mercy. This holy Father embraces us in our darkest hour and promises to transform us into the image of His Son. As Jesus said, "If you have seen me you have seen the Father."
What a picture Christ brought into focus! Let's move through our excuses, barriers, and selfishness and seek to know our Father in heaven. That relationship is life to the fullest.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Last night I watched the history channel's chronicle of 9/11/01. For America it was an aweful day. Seven years later, the dust has settled, and we have moved past the immediacy of the tragedy. Since that day there have been many more tragedies, millions have died, war has raged, ethnic cleansing continues to ravage nations, the unborn continue to be slaughtered and on and on the list could go. There is so much death and destruction that we become numb to it. Unless it touches us directly, we can merely change the channel and get mired down in our own little story. In American history we mark certain days to help us 'remember.' If we truly remember, it should impact how we live today. If the remembering is merely a ceremony, then we have forgotten. The remembering should make me a different person today and tomorrow. The remembering should move me to action today, tomorrow. The remembering should impact more than my emotions. Paul told Timothy to 'Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David (2 Tim. 2:8). In Luke 22:19 Jesus said the taking of the bread was to be done in remembrance of Him. (Paul emphasized the same in 1 Corinthians 10). The whole picture of the Lord's supper is to remember Christ's life given for us. The issue before us is this. Does the remembering impact my journey today? Does the remembering of the Christ, His sacrifice and life, make any difference in my attitudes and actions today? Jesus said the Holy Spirit would remind us of everthing He said (John 14:26). Peter multiple times in His epistles speaks of reminding his audience of the truth they have received in Christ. As Americans may remembering 9/11 make us more diligent as citizens. As followers of Jesus Christ, may remembering Christ and His life compel us to excellence in our daily journey.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Political Indigestion

America, like the rest of the world, is in need of true leadership. Political rhetoric flows like a tidal wave during these days of the presidential race. Promises of bigger government, higher taxes, tax rebates, etc. are laughable at best. Mankind drifts farther and farther away from the utopia we believe we can create. We cling to the old 70's song "Imagine" and imagine if we can just elect the right person, the train will get back on the tracks and arrive at the right destination. We live in a broken world, full of injustice, prejudice, hatred and sin. All a result of man's selfishness and refusal to submit to God's Word and authority (God as revealed to us in Jesus Christ). Paul says in Romans 8 that this world is a place of 'groaning' and 'frustration.' We would all agree. The solution to this, is not another politician, but focusing our attention upon Jesus Christ. Christ is the leader whose footprints we must follow. I'm sure this won't happen on a world wide, or national scale; however, it can happen in your daily journey and mine. I have discovered as I seek to follow Christ, I find a peace and joy in the midst of the groaning and frustration. In fact, earlier in Romans 8, Paul speaks of the life lived under the control of the Holy Spirit that brings life and peace. No politician can produce life or peace. The selfishness and sinfulness of mankind will overrule mankind's best effort to produce life and peace. Yes, we must work politically to facilitate life and peace on planet earth; however, without a firm foundation of faith in Christ, our best effort is sinking sand. As a follower of Christ I must model a different lifestyle in the midst of the groaning and frustration. A lifestyle of hope, peace, and joy. A lifestyle that is looking forward to a new heaven and new earth, the home of righteousness.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sinners or Saints

Listening to "Christian" radio my spirit was accosted again by the adamant exhortation from the preacher that we are all just sinners. How tragic if that is the best the powerful gospel can do! No where in the N.T. does it refer to Christ's followers as sinners. Yes, it does reference that a Christian may sin, but this is not the daily pattern (1 Jn.2:1). Paul says that we are dead to sin (Rom.6). In 1 Cor.10:13 he says that with every temptation there is a way of escape. We don't have to commit the sin. 1 John 2 states that these things are written that we not sin and he goes on to say that everyone who is born of God does not commit sin. Sin is death-flee from it. The indwelling Holy Spirit is the source of power and wisdom to enable us to walk in the light and to say no to ungodliness and worldly pleasures (Titus 2:14). I'm no longer a sinner, I am a saint. Praise the Lord! Even the troubled Corinthians were called saints in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 1:1, Eph.1:1, Col.1:2, Rom. 1:7). Our behavior as followers of Christ must be different from what it was when we followed our carnal, selfish desires. We are new creatures in Christ, the old has gone. We are not sinnners, we are children of God (1 Jn.3:1). When we speak of sin, we speak of willful transgression. Adam and Eve did not make a mistake, they made a choice not to obey God. Don't cheapen grace, and don't cheapen the powerful gospel by embracing the false teaching that we are all just sinners. Praise the Lord that by His grace He has transferred me from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. To live in sin is to live in darkness, rebellion, disobedience and under the judgment of God. That's not who Christians are, nor how they are to live ( 1 Thess. 4-9). Paul's testimony concerning his lifestyle speaks of holiness and righteousness (1Thess.2:10). Let's stop excusing what makes God sick. Let's make the choice to be who we are, saints in the Lord. I am a recipient and participant in the abundant provision of grace so that I can reign in life (Rom.5:17). I don't want to live in sin. I want to walk in holiness with Christ. I know what sin does, I want to be a slave to God and be blessed with holiness and eternal life (Rom.6:22). Dear Christian, do not let sin reign in your mortal not offer the parts of your body to sin...but rather offer yourselves to God (Rom. 6:11-14). When you look in the mirror, don't see a sinner, see a child of God, redeemed, set free, forgiven, cleansed, sanctified, filled with the Spirit, and empowered to walk in the light.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Today I was blessed by a dear brother who allowed me to ride his 2003 HD Fatboy through the curves and hills of Kentucky for four hours. My nose got sun burned, but I was constantly reminded that Almighty God knows what He is doing. Creation declares His glory the Psalmist says and I say Amen! Accident, chance, big bang??? Let's admit that it's too fantastic for random chance. As I travel and speak in churches I am often blessed by someone's generosity to allow me to straddle their bike for an afternoon. It's one of the serendipities of the traveling preacher. Upstate NY, Tennessee, southern Ohio, Pacific NW, Florida coast, mountains of Colorado, the list goes on. This creation is awesome and God's people need to take notice. I live in the flat lands of West Texas. No trees, no mountains and streams and not many curves in the road; however, everyday God paints a fresh picture in the morning and evening with the radiant sun of the wide horizon and open sky. "The fool says in his heart there is no God (Ps. 14). The heavens declare God's glory and the earth if full of His unfailing love. He is our help and shield, let us rejoice and be glad (Psalm 33, 8)

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Holiness is not an option. Because God is holy, those who chose to follow Christ must walk on the highway of holiness. Holiness is not a set of rules, it is Christlikeness. It is everything beautiful and pleasing to the Father. Oswald Chambers in Still Higher for His Highest (12/1) states it so well. "A born again soul is condemned to holiness; he is not at liberty to do what he likes but only what God likes, a bondslave to Jesus, my relationship to God first, second, and third all the time.

Is this the impossible dream? No! This is the way of life and peace, let's walk in it. Let's embrace God's clear mandate and call to holiness. Let's humble ourselves under His mighty hand and allow Him to lift us up to His standard. The church of Jesus Christ in America is in desperate need of a fresh enthusiasm about God's call to holiness and a vital commitment to see this picture come into focus in our daily discipleship. Come Holy Spirit we need You to cleanse, empower, control and lead us.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I was reading the Exodus story and the whole picture of complaining against God struck a fresh note with me. How easy to be negative and worried. How easy to allow one's spirit to gravitate toward complaining. The Israelites seemed to specialize in complaining while on the journey to the promised land. What they failed to see was that where they were, was not where God was planning on them to be. God was leading them into the promised land, but there was a journey to make through some treacherous territory before arriving in the land flowing with milk and honey. Where they were was not the final destination. It was not to be their dwelling place. It was a place of passage that demanded trust in the Lord and faith in His leadership. It was a part of the picture that demanded vision beyond the moment and the hardships that were being encountered. Too often in life complaining is prompted when we forget this is not the place Christ has prepared. We are on the journey and must continue to move forward to take hold of the promised land of the Lord. Paul and Silas in jail were able to sing praises because they realized it wasn't their final destination, it was a place of passage. As we are 'passing through' let us guard against complaining and develop a dispostion of gratitude. In everything give thanks for this is God's will ( 1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Monday, May 19, 2008


Psalm 116:7 Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you (NIV). The once more part jumped out at me. How often I allow the rest to disappear. I give place to fear, doubt, negative thinking, etc. Those things that steal the rest away from me. The choice to rejoice in the goodness of God. The choice to 'rest in His almighty power.' The choice to rest in the finished work of Christ and the promised future for the people of Christ. Lord, forgive me for not enjoying the rest. The opportunity for the rest is always there, I must embrace it. I must fix my eyes on Jesus and set my mind on the things that are excellent. May the Holy Spirit help me to be discerning concerning those things that disturb the peace of God. Thank you Lord, you are good to me.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Jesus promised the presence of 'another counselor'. One who would be in us and would be forever with us. The blessed Holy Spirit is that person and presence. Jesus was God with us, but the Holy Spirit is God in us. What an incredible provision of the New Covenant! The Holy Spirit is to fill the believer. Be filled with the Spirit is more than a command, this is the key to vitality and victory. We should seek to be filled with the Spirit and discover this Divine provision. This Divine possession of the human heart results in purity and power. To be filled with the Spirit is to allow God to cleanse our hearts from all else. From carnal selfishness, from selfish arguments and excusses our heart is to be cleansed. The goal of the new covenant in the blood of Christ is that we would be wholly God's. There must be a complete consecration of all we are to the Lord before we will begin to taste this blessed fullness. The great hindrance is carnal selfishness. Let us pray with the apostle, "God of peace sanctify us completely (1 Thess. 5:23). This is God's provision for His people. Let's not sell ourselves short. Be filled with the Spirit!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Power of Pentecost

As we move through the week leading to Pentecost, we want to focus on the promise of power. As I am thinking about this incredible reality, and the promises surrounding this in God's Word, here are a couple thoughts to help us get a handle on this truth.

This power of the Holy Spirit filling and cleansing the human heart is the promise of the new covenant. He will put His Spirit in us (Ezekiel 36:27). Man discovers a source of life outside of himself. Christ lives in us through the Holy Spirit.

This is the power of God to make the heart pure. This is essential because we are God's dwelling place, His temple. Purity, holiness is essential for God's dwelling (1 Cor. 6:19)

This is the power of God to make a man's spirit strong. This provides the ability to pursue and fulfill the Father's will. We are not of those who shrink back (Hebrews 10:39), we are those who press through to find and fulfill the Father's will. Without the Holy Spirit's powerful fullness, the flesh becomes weary and retreats in the hour of difficulty.

This is the power of God to make a man's life fruitful. John 15 identifies this as God's calling. The fruitful life will bring glory to the Father. The fruitful life will bring life, healing, hope into the world around us. This fruitful life is evidence of the Spirit's power. It is a beautiful picture. A Divine work that points others to the Holy and Righteous One (Gal.5:22).

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Power and Pentecost

As we approach Pentecost Sunday, I have thinking about the all powerful God. The promise of Pentecost is the promise of power through the infilling presence of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). What about this power? What is the purpose of this power? Do I know this power on a daily basis? Following Pentecost the disciples exhibited new power in multiple areas of their daily life. It was a power that made them different and enabled them to fulfill the mandate of the Master. Maybe I short circuit the whole promise of power by attempting to plug into this power for selfish purposes. Everyday I am reminded of my need for power. I rejoice that a primary purpose of this power is the transformation of my person from the inside out. When I pray for power may the purpose of the prayer be a desire to be a different person. Pentecost, the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the cleansing fire of His presence, the power that comes when He is in control is all about making me like Christ. 2 Peter 1:3 captures this. His divine power...for life and godliness through our knowledge of that... I'll let you read the rest of the verses, it's shocking and full of hope for our daily journey.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

When Christ Comes Again

When Christ comes again, He will be looking for something...HIMSELF! He will be looking for a people that bear His image, that reflect His glory, that are walking in His holiness. A people who are filled with the Spirit. A people whose desire is the Father's will, whose hearts are pure, and whose lives reflect the awesome power of amazing grace. Paul gives a picture of what we are to look like in Ephesians. Chapters 4 and 5 reveal what Christ is looking for today among those of us who wear His name. We are to live a life worthy of the calling we have received (4:1). Paul insists that our life must be different than it was before we came to know Christ (4:17). We have been created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. What a privilege! May this be our prayer, our cry, our heart's desire! Paul employs the picture of 'walking' or 'living' to communicate this changed life. We are to walk in love (5:2), walk in the light (5:8), walk in wisdom (5:15), walk in strength (6:10). This is possible only through the Spirit's cleansing and control-be filled with the Spirit (5:18). Christ is looking for those who do more than wear His name. He is looking for those who follow His steps and reflect His glory. Let's find out what pleases the Lord (5;10), and through the leadership of the Holy Spirit understand what the Lord's will is (5:17). He is looking for Himself.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Convincing Proof

Christ is alive. Luke in Acts 1:3 does not make an extensive list, but communicates the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was alive. After His suffering, after Christ fulfilled the Father's will, there was a strategic period of time between the resurrection and ascension. The convincing proofs(Acts 1:3) came in simple ways such as eating with them, walking with them, helping them fish, etc. The resurrected Jesus walked among them, continued to instruct them concerning key issues, helped the defeated ones to press forward, and exhorted the disciples to embrace the challenge that was before them. In daily life they were needing to learn to live as if Jesus was alive, and He is! We need to live each day with a keen awareness of the living Christ. If we will allow, if we will look for, if we will expect, the convincing proofs can be still be seen. Living with an awareness of His presence is a key to worship, holiness, discipleship and all of life. The Scriptural record of Christ's post resurrection appearances were in non-spectacular and everyday activity. That's where I need Him most-in everyday life. That's where He wants to make an impact-in everyday life. He will be with you always (Mt. 28:20). Let's practice the presence of the living Christ. Let's live with a keen awareness that He is here. Let's refuse to succomb to the noise, busyness and distractions. Fix your thoughts on Jesus (Hebrews 3:1)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Post Resurrection Living

Millions filled churches across America this past Sunday to celebrate Christ's victory over sin, death, Satan and hell. Musicals, pageants, and simple sermons about this life transforming event sounded out across this nation. But Sunday wasn't merely for Sunday. Easter Sunday is for everyday. It's not merely that the Lamb has won, but are we living in that victory today? Because of the resurrection of Christ we are more than conquerors today. It doesn't matter how great the service was on Sunday, it's about today. So what the stone was rolled away. Am I allowing that same power to strengthen me to resist temptation and walk in holy obedience to Christ and live in holy love for others today? Paul prayed that the Ephesians would know this resurrection power in daily living (Ephesians 1:19). Paul was not merely speaking of a head knowledge, the word he uses speaks of an experiential knowledge. He was speaking about a power that was working in everyday life. He references this power multiples times in Ephesians. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is about everyday life. Christianity is about everyday life. Post resurrection living is about discovering this power for today. That's where I need it, I imagine you do too. Let's believe!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Great Salvation

On this day following the indescribable gift, let us meditate upon God's amazing grace, the Son's sacrificial obedience, and the high cost of this great salvation. This great love should motivate us to consecrate ourselves with great joy and without hesitation to the Father. Let us follow the path of the Son who was obedient to death, even death on the cross. Reflect upon the two quotes and the verse from God's Word.

"Knowing God without knowing our own wretchedness makes for pride. Knowing our own wretchedness without knowing God makes for despair. Knowing Jesus Christ strikes the balance because He shows us both God and our own wretchedness (Blaise Pascal)."

"What God asks is a will which will no longer be divided between him and any creature, a will pliant in his hands,which neither desires anything nor refuses anything, which wants without reservation everything which he wants, and which never, under any pretext, wants anything which he does not want (Fenelon)."

"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for our sake He became poor that we through His poverty might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9)."

Friday, March 21, 2008

Great Salvation/Good Friday

The consumer mindset rules the church in America. We have taken the cross of Christ and transformed it into something nice. There is nothing nice about the cross of Christ. As Paul said it, is foolishness to some, a stumbling block to others. Many will not embrace the cross because it will not take them where they want to go. How can we embrace the cross and find power, wealth, and the applause of man? Paul gloried in the cross. He counted everything else as rubbish, except to know Christ and Him crucified. The consumer mindset conflicts with the cross. The consumer mindset has my comfort, happiness and success at its core. The cross has the will of the Father and the glory of the Father at its core. The cross demands that I die to my selfish agenda and embrace the Father's will without hestitation or reservation. The cross is not a place to strike a bargain. The cross is not a place to make a deal. The cross of Christ is painful, embarrassing, confrontational, and revealing. The cross of Christ exposes our sins and sinfulness. The cross of Christ is life's major intersection. Here I choose life or death, sin or holiness, forgiveness or condemnation, Christ or self. Christ calls us to 'follow Him.' The destination of that path takes us to the cross. There we have the privilege of being crucified with Christ so that we are no longer living for self but for Christ. Then we discover the privilege of sharing in His redemptive purpose as the power of His resurrection flows through us to a broken world. Then by the grace of God, we transition from being a consumer to being Christian.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Great Salvation

On this special Thursday as we move closer to the death and resurrection of Christ, let us be in awe at the provision of the new covenant. Through His death and resurrection, through Christ's eternal priesthood and the power of His endless life, we are privileged to a salvation that has no limits. Christ is able to save completely, to the uttermost those who come to God through Him (Hebrews 7:25). The key is 'through Him'. Christ is the source of this great salvation, for all practical purposes, Christ IS this salvation. Because He holds the keys of death and hell, because all authority and power on earth and in heaven are His, HE IS ABLE to save completely those who come to God THROUGH HIM! There is no plan B, we don't need a plan B, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus. He is able to save us completely so that we can throw off every weight that hinders, so that we can be free from every besetting sin and run with perseverance the race set before us (Hebrews 12). The Son has come to set us free. He has come to make us more than conquerors. He has come to enable us to reign in life (Romans 5:17,8:37, Jn.8:34). He is bringing many sons to glory and He is able to do that very thing. He is the Author and Finisher of this faith we know. He is interceding for us to connect our need to the Father's supply. Our task is to rest in His finished work. Our calling is to believe He is able. Our hope is this great salvation. Don't stop short pilgrim! He is able! Lay aside every weight and every sin, and with great joy and full confidence run the race.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Great Salvation

Hebrews 1 speaks loud and clear, "In these last days God has spoken to us in His Son." The indescribable gift as Pauls says. The Son is our salvation. He is God in the flesh, greater than angels, greater than Moses, the One who lives forever, whose kingdom is unshakable, whose provision is perfect, whose sacrifice complete. The Son is the Great High Priest of the New Covenant in His blood. He intercedes to execute that covenant in the human heart. He stands in the gap and becomes the bridge between man's mess and God's miracle. When God is the source of the salvation we need look no further. Fix your eyes on the Son. When God is the source of the salvation lame men walk, blind men see, dead men live. Are there other sources? Are there other salvations? Jesus is the Way, know Him. The exclusive nature of truth brings freedom and life to the one who fixes their attention upon the Son. How liberating! What hope we have! The Son demands our full attention, our joy filled worship. Because of the Son, I can be a new creation, I can walk in newness of life, and live in the full assurance of faith. During this passion week, let's focus our attention on the Son and open our heart to Him (Hebrews 2:1-4, 3:1-3)

Friday, February 22, 2008


Does anybody really know what time it is? This question sounded out from a popular song of the late 60's. In John 13 Jesus focuses the attention of his disciples upon a specific time. At critical points Christ has talked about 'his time.' Now this 'time' has come. As we move toward the passion week of Christ, let us understand that this great display of grace was not an accident. The concept of 'time' speaks of purpose, a plan and a path to follow. It was time for Christ to bring the picture into focus and finish the work for which He had been sent. It was time to bring glory to the Father and establish the new covenant. Today is our time to submit to His authority, believe in His person and follow in His steps. Today is the operative time for all mankind. Today is the 'time' of salvation, grace, and mercy. As we move toward Easter, it is time for us to deny self, take the cross and follow Christ. Delay is Satan's tool. "Now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Monday, February 4, 2008


John 10 radiates with encouragement and exhortation for those who would choose to follow the living Christ. A key word in the chapter is 'listen.' To the sheep who know the shepherds's voice, the words are life and peace (Jn.6:63). To those who have hardedned their hearts and rejected Jesus of Nazareth, his words are labeled demonic (10:19). The contrast is startling. What am I hearing as I follow the Good Shepherd? It should be good news of peace, joy and life. Christ's words bring confidence, contentment, security as life unfolds. The Psalmist said to 'be still & know God (46:10). It's about learning to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. In a world of massive doses of noise, I must learn to cultivate the inner ear to hear the Good Shepherd. Too often I find myself afraid of the silence and content to be drowned by the noise. As the young man Samuel declared, 'speak Lord your servant is listening.' With the help of the Holy Spirit let us cultivate ears to hear the Word of God and listen to what the Spirit is saying to the church.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Prince of Peace

Christ entered a world filled with war, strife, prejudice, injustice and hostility. His message created unrest, turmoil and anger. During his ministry there seemed to be constant tension, down to the final episode of the cross. Into that picture the bold proclamation was made, peace on earth. The irony of it all is that His cross became the bridge between man and God by which we discover peace. This is a peace with God through Christ. A peace that is found when we repent of our sins, and turn from sin to walk in obedience to Christ. His peace extends into everyday life. It is a precious gift of His presence in us. As we recieve His grace, yield to the control of the Holy Spirit, stand on His promises, we find a peace that passes all understanding. This peace is a calm assurance that it is well with my soul, that the Lord is in control, and that His grace is sufficient. It is the peace of God as we walk in obedience to His word. The world around may be exploding but you have found a resting place. You have found the cleft in the rock and are aware of the everlasting arms of the Father. Isaiah 48:17-18 identifies obedience as a key to this peace. If I am obedient, then I am trusting in Christ. That trust is the foundation of this peace. If I want peace, then I must want Christ more than anything else. If I want peace, then I must walk in obedience to His word. As we end one year and begin another, let's focus our desire on the person of Christ and our determination to be obedient to the word of Christ.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Everlasting Father / Isaiah 9:6

Some translate this incredible title, 'Father of Eternity.' This One transcends all that has been and all that will be. Out of eternity into time He came for a brief period. If you have seen me you have seen the Father (John 14). What a revelation! The death of my Dad on 12/30/03 was a challenging time, and it still carries its challenges. There are multiple times when I would cherish a word, a hug, a day together. His presence made a difference. I was blessed to have such an excellent father. But he is no longer available, except through the precious gift of memory. But this Father is eternal. There is no end to His life giving presence. This is the Father who provides. He is Yahweh-Jireh (Gen.22:14). This Father is the life giving Father, and the life He gives is eternal. This life flows out of His person, His being. The everlasting Father provides everlasting life. The Son given, the Child born is the life of the Father.

Abba Father: I embrace your love for me. I thank you and rejoice in your provision of amazing grace and unending mercy. I cherish the privilege of being your son. Thank you for my Elder brother who has redeemed me and set me free from sin and death.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mighty God / Isaiah 9:6

The One whose presence we cherish today, was and is the revelation of God's omnipotence on behalf of mankind. He is the God who conquers. Christ overcame the world (John 16:33), and triumphed over all the powers of darkness (Colossians 3:15). The challenge is to submit to this power. Mankind cannot get free of sin, guilt, despair, and death through self effort. A Savior is needed. Born for us a Savior who is Jesus Christ. Divine intervention. His counsel is wonderful, leading us out of confusion. His omnipotence brings order out of chaos. Mankind's best effort still leaves the world full of chaos and confusion. The wisdom and strength of man cannot fix the problem. The heart surrendered to Christ finds order, peace, well being. Because Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, He can forgive sin, defeat Satan, liberate people from the power of evil, restore the broken heart, and bring life out of death. He is able! He is able! Let us give him the right to make the best of us. Charles Wesley said it this way. "The name of Jesus is a tower that hides my life above. You can, you will my helper be, my confidence is all in You, the gracious God of love."

Advent/Isaiah 9:6

I have been remiss with blogging. We'll do a little Christmas catch-up today. Our focus is the great passage in Isaiah 9:6. Each title brings light to the person of Jesus Christ. Meditate upon these and allow the Holy Spirit to apply them to your journey of faith today.

Christ is the Wonderful Counselor. This counselor not only gives counsel that is wonderful, for it is truth, but the counselor himself is wonderful. It is the wonder of the Word become flesh. The eternal God becoming man, emptying himself, stepping out of eternity into time. The wonder of the whole picture begins by focusing our attention upon Jesus Christ who is more wonderful than my mind can conceive. Because he is wonderful, because His counsel is wonderful, His kingdom is free from confusion. Those who follow Him walk in the light, are led in paths of righteousness, and become like a tree planted by streams of living water. Instead of confusion there is courage, confidence, and conviction. His counsel ignites hope, brings strength, instills confidence, fosters freedom. His counsel is a wisdom that comes from above. It is 'pure, peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere (James 3:17)." He gives wisdom from above, eternal truth that enables victorious living today. The 'fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Let us cultivate the habit of 'inquiring of the Lord.' Moses prayed a simple prayer that directs us in this path. "Lord teach me your ways so that I may know you and continue to find favor with you (Exodus 33:13)."

Monday, November 3, 2008


We are on the eve of another presidential election. The media makes it a mess and candidates make promises they can never keep. Politics and religion were the death of Jesus Christ. Both are driven by a selfish motive that seeks to manipulate others to fulfill a personal agenda. My greatest concern for this election revolves around the direction our country could take regarding key moral issues such as abortion, homosexuality, and the definition of marriage. These issues are deeper than politics and reflect a greater chasm in the heart of America. We have become godless and immoral, embracing the wrong and rejecting what is right. Selfishness reigns in our nation. Solomon gave this directive: "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people (Proverbs 14:34). Even Solomon did not use his wisdom to make proper moral choices and follow the directives God had given for the king (Deut.17:14). Selfishness is not a new issue. Christ died to set us free from the destructive force of selfishness. This selfishness makes truth relative, something driven by personal opinion and preference.

At this time in America my heart is heavy for the church of Jesus Christ that is beset with selfishness. Christ's people must repent, and embrace God's call to righteousness and holiness. We have abandoned the ways of the Lord, and followed our own selfish agendas. We will get a new president, but that is not the solution. We need a new church in America. A church that is focused on Christ, following Christ and displaying Christ. God forgive us for making grace cheap and obedience optional. Let the church rise, and with a pure heart and clean hands proclaim to a watching world, Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life-Follow Him!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Beautiful Thing

Mark 14 records the story of Christ being anointed by a woman. A similar story is recorded in Mt. 26 and Lu. 7. Everytime I encounter this episode, my heart is challenged. It was at a critical time in the life of Jesus. It was an invasion of a situation that was stale with hypocrisy and selfishness. It was beautiful and stands in stark contrast to the selfishness and sin that surrounded Christ. It was true worship, and the Father is seeking worshipers. The Father is seeking the beautiful. The heart that is humble before Him. An aroma filled the house that made many uncomfortable. Words escape me concerning this picture; however, the Holy Spirit always uses it to search my heart, expose my motives, and question my authenticity. That she was willing to be so brave, transparent, and vulnerable. That she was willing to appear foolish, and to take such a risk to honor Christ. I have a hard time lifting my arms in praise of Christ in corporate worship. In preaching in different churches each week, it seems hard for people to step forward and come to a place of prayer. It seems as if we are stuck, entrenched, and afraid of what others might think. If there is going to be a revival in the church in America, the church must do something beautiful. We must humble ourselves before the Lord and ask Him to lift us up. We must, through the work of the Holy Spirit, become true worshipers. My prayer is that in the end, the life I live in this flesh will have been something beautiful for the Lord.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Our Father

Tomorrow my oldest daughter gets married. She is a beautiful young woman, and has chosen a first class young man for her husband. It has been an awesome responsibility being the 'man' in her life during these years. My shortcomings and failures in that task, point to our need to be intimately connected with our Father in heaven. Sometimes human failure creates a barrier to the development of that relationship. The good news is, the Father in heaven has gone to the most extreme measures to reveal Himself. He opened wide his heart through the Son. All the barriers were removed, and whosoever will may come. His heart is wide open. It is a heart full of grace and mercy. This holy Father embraces us in our darkest hour and promises to transform us into the image of His Son. As Jesus said, "If you have seen me you have seen the Father."
What a picture Christ brought into focus! Let's move through our excuses, barriers, and selfishness and seek to know our Father in heaven. That relationship is life to the fullest.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Last night I watched the history channel's chronicle of 9/11/01. For America it was an aweful day. Seven years later, the dust has settled, and we have moved past the immediacy of the tragedy. Since that day there have been many more tragedies, millions have died, war has raged, ethnic cleansing continues to ravage nations, the unborn continue to be slaughtered and on and on the list could go. There is so much death and destruction that we become numb to it. Unless it touches us directly, we can merely change the channel and get mired down in our own little story. In American history we mark certain days to help us 'remember.' If we truly remember, it should impact how we live today. If the remembering is merely a ceremony, then we have forgotten. The remembering should make me a different person today and tomorrow. The remembering should move me to action today, tomorrow. The remembering should impact more than my emotions. Paul told Timothy to 'Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David (2 Tim. 2:8). In Luke 22:19 Jesus said the taking of the bread was to be done in remembrance of Him. (Paul emphasized the same in 1 Corinthians 10). The whole picture of the Lord's supper is to remember Christ's life given for us. The issue before us is this. Does the remembering impact my journey today? Does the remembering of the Christ, His sacrifice and life, make any difference in my attitudes and actions today? Jesus said the Holy Spirit would remind us of everthing He said (John 14:26). Peter multiple times in His epistles speaks of reminding his audience of the truth they have received in Christ. As Americans may remembering 9/11 make us more diligent as citizens. As followers of Jesus Christ, may remembering Christ and His life compel us to excellence in our daily journey.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Political Indigestion

America, like the rest of the world, is in need of true leadership. Political rhetoric flows like a tidal wave during these days of the presidential race. Promises of bigger government, higher taxes, tax rebates, etc. are laughable at best. Mankind drifts farther and farther away from the utopia we believe we can create. We cling to the old 70's song "Imagine" and imagine if we can just elect the right person, the train will get back on the tracks and arrive at the right destination. We live in a broken world, full of injustice, prejudice, hatred and sin. All a result of man's selfishness and refusal to submit to God's Word and authority (God as revealed to us in Jesus Christ). Paul says in Romans 8 that this world is a place of 'groaning' and 'frustration.' We would all agree. The solution to this, is not another politician, but focusing our attention upon Jesus Christ. Christ is the leader whose footprints we must follow. I'm sure this won't happen on a world wide, or national scale; however, it can happen in your daily journey and mine. I have discovered as I seek to follow Christ, I find a peace and joy in the midst of the groaning and frustration. In fact, earlier in Romans 8, Paul speaks of the life lived under the control of the Holy Spirit that brings life and peace. No politician can produce life or peace. The selfishness and sinfulness of mankind will overrule mankind's best effort to produce life and peace. Yes, we must work politically to facilitate life and peace on planet earth; however, without a firm foundation of faith in Christ, our best effort is sinking sand. As a follower of Christ I must model a different lifestyle in the midst of the groaning and frustration. A lifestyle of hope, peace, and joy. A lifestyle that is looking forward to a new heaven and new earth, the home of righteousness.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sinners or Saints

Listening to "Christian" radio my spirit was accosted again by the adamant exhortation from the preacher that we are all just sinners. How tragic if that is the best the powerful gospel can do! No where in the N.T. does it refer to Christ's followers as sinners. Yes, it does reference that a Christian may sin, but this is not the daily pattern (1 Jn.2:1). Paul says that we are dead to sin (Rom.6). In 1 Cor.10:13 he says that with every temptation there is a way of escape. We don't have to commit the sin. 1 John 2 states that these things are written that we not sin and he goes on to say that everyone who is born of God does not commit sin. Sin is death-flee from it. The indwelling Holy Spirit is the source of power and wisdom to enable us to walk in the light and to say no to ungodliness and worldly pleasures (Titus 2:14). I'm no longer a sinner, I am a saint. Praise the Lord! Even the troubled Corinthians were called saints in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 1:1, Eph.1:1, Col.1:2, Rom. 1:7). Our behavior as followers of Christ must be different from what it was when we followed our carnal, selfish desires. We are new creatures in Christ, the old has gone. We are not sinnners, we are children of God (1 Jn.3:1). When we speak of sin, we speak of willful transgression. Adam and Eve did not make a mistake, they made a choice not to obey God. Don't cheapen grace, and don't cheapen the powerful gospel by embracing the false teaching that we are all just sinners. Praise the Lord that by His grace He has transferred me from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. To live in sin is to live in darkness, rebellion, disobedience and under the judgment of God. That's not who Christians are, nor how they are to live ( 1 Thess. 4-9). Paul's testimony concerning his lifestyle speaks of holiness and righteousness (1Thess.2:10). Let's stop excusing what makes God sick. Let's make the choice to be who we are, saints in the Lord. I am a recipient and participant in the abundant provision of grace so that I can reign in life (Rom.5:17). I don't want to live in sin. I want to walk in holiness with Christ. I know what sin does, I want to be a slave to God and be blessed with holiness and eternal life (Rom.6:22). Dear Christian, do not let sin reign in your mortal not offer the parts of your body to sin...but rather offer yourselves to God (Rom. 6:11-14). When you look in the mirror, don't see a sinner, see a child of God, redeemed, set free, forgiven, cleansed, sanctified, filled with the Spirit, and empowered to walk in the light.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Today I was blessed by a dear brother who allowed me to ride his 2003 HD Fatboy through the curves and hills of Kentucky for four hours. My nose got sun burned, but I was constantly reminded that Almighty God knows what He is doing. Creation declares His glory the Psalmist says and I say Amen! Accident, chance, big bang??? Let's admit that it's too fantastic for random chance. As I travel and speak in churches I am often blessed by someone's generosity to allow me to straddle their bike for an afternoon. It's one of the serendipities of the traveling preacher. Upstate NY, Tennessee, southern Ohio, Pacific NW, Florida coast, mountains of Colorado, the list goes on. This creation is awesome and God's people need to take notice. I live in the flat lands of West Texas. No trees, no mountains and streams and not many curves in the road; however, everyday God paints a fresh picture in the morning and evening with the radiant sun of the wide horizon and open sky. "The fool says in his heart there is no God (Ps. 14). The heavens declare God's glory and the earth if full of His unfailing love. He is our help and shield, let us rejoice and be glad (Psalm 33, 8)

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Holiness is not an option. Because God is holy, those who chose to follow Christ must walk on the highway of holiness. Holiness is not a set of rules, it is Christlikeness. It is everything beautiful and pleasing to the Father. Oswald Chambers in Still Higher for His Highest (12/1) states it so well. "A born again soul is condemned to holiness; he is not at liberty to do what he likes but only what God likes, a bondslave to Jesus, my relationship to God first, second, and third all the time.

Is this the impossible dream? No! This is the way of life and peace, let's walk in it. Let's embrace God's clear mandate and call to holiness. Let's humble ourselves under His mighty hand and allow Him to lift us up to His standard. The church of Jesus Christ in America is in desperate need of a fresh enthusiasm about God's call to holiness and a vital commitment to see this picture come into focus in our daily discipleship. Come Holy Spirit we need You to cleanse, empower, control and lead us.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I was reading the Exodus story and the whole picture of complaining against God struck a fresh note with me. How easy to be negative and worried. How easy to allow one's spirit to gravitate toward complaining. The Israelites seemed to specialize in complaining while on the journey to the promised land. What they failed to see was that where they were, was not where God was planning on them to be. God was leading them into the promised land, but there was a journey to make through some treacherous territory before arriving in the land flowing with milk and honey. Where they were was not the final destination. It was not to be their dwelling place. It was a place of passage that demanded trust in the Lord and faith in His leadership. It was a part of the picture that demanded vision beyond the moment and the hardships that were being encountered. Too often in life complaining is prompted when we forget this is not the place Christ has prepared. We are on the journey and must continue to move forward to take hold of the promised land of the Lord. Paul and Silas in jail were able to sing praises because they realized it wasn't their final destination, it was a place of passage. As we are 'passing through' let us guard against complaining and develop a dispostion of gratitude. In everything give thanks for this is God's will ( 1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Monday, May 19, 2008


Psalm 116:7 Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you (NIV). The once more part jumped out at me. How often I allow the rest to disappear. I give place to fear, doubt, negative thinking, etc. Those things that steal the rest away from me. The choice to rejoice in the goodness of God. The choice to 'rest in His almighty power.' The choice to rest in the finished work of Christ and the promised future for the people of Christ. Lord, forgive me for not enjoying the rest. The opportunity for the rest is always there, I must embrace it. I must fix my eyes on Jesus and set my mind on the things that are excellent. May the Holy Spirit help me to be discerning concerning those things that disturb the peace of God. Thank you Lord, you are good to me.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Jesus promised the presence of 'another counselor'. One who would be in us and would be forever with us. The blessed Holy Spirit is that person and presence. Jesus was God with us, but the Holy Spirit is God in us. What an incredible provision of the New Covenant! The Holy Spirit is to fill the believer. Be filled with the Spirit is more than a command, this is the key to vitality and victory. We should seek to be filled with the Spirit and discover this Divine provision. This Divine possession of the human heart results in purity and power. To be filled with the Spirit is to allow God to cleanse our hearts from all else. From carnal selfishness, from selfish arguments and excusses our heart is to be cleansed. The goal of the new covenant in the blood of Christ is that we would be wholly God's. There must be a complete consecration of all we are to the Lord before we will begin to taste this blessed fullness. The great hindrance is carnal selfishness. Let us pray with the apostle, "God of peace sanctify us completely (1 Thess. 5:23). This is God's provision for His people. Let's not sell ourselves short. Be filled with the Spirit!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Power of Pentecost

As we move through the week leading to Pentecost, we want to focus on the promise of power. As I am thinking about this incredible reality, and the promises surrounding this in God's Word, here are a couple thoughts to help us get a handle on this truth.

This power of the Holy Spirit filling and cleansing the human heart is the promise of the new covenant. He will put His Spirit in us (Ezekiel 36:27). Man discovers a source of life outside of himself. Christ lives in us through the Holy Spirit.

This is the power of God to make the heart pure. This is essential because we are God's dwelling place, His temple. Purity, holiness is essential for God's dwelling (1 Cor. 6:19)

This is the power of God to make a man's spirit strong. This provides the ability to pursue and fulfill the Father's will. We are not of those who shrink back (Hebrews 10:39), we are those who press through to find and fulfill the Father's will. Without the Holy Spirit's powerful fullness, the flesh becomes weary and retreats in the hour of difficulty.

This is the power of God to make a man's life fruitful. John 15 identifies this as God's calling. The fruitful life will bring glory to the Father. The fruitful life will bring life, healing, hope into the world around us. This fruitful life is evidence of the Spirit's power. It is a beautiful picture. A Divine work that points others to the Holy and Righteous One (Gal.5:22).

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Power and Pentecost

As we approach Pentecost Sunday, I have thinking about the all powerful God. The promise of Pentecost is the promise of power through the infilling presence of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). What about this power? What is the purpose of this power? Do I know this power on a daily basis? Following Pentecost the disciples exhibited new power in multiple areas of their daily life. It was a power that made them different and enabled them to fulfill the mandate of the Master. Maybe I short circuit the whole promise of power by attempting to plug into this power for selfish purposes. Everyday I am reminded of my need for power. I rejoice that a primary purpose of this power is the transformation of my person from the inside out. When I pray for power may the purpose of the prayer be a desire to be a different person. Pentecost, the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the cleansing fire of His presence, the power that comes when He is in control is all about making me like Christ. 2 Peter 1:3 captures this. His divine power...for life and godliness through our knowledge of that... I'll let you read the rest of the verses, it's shocking and full of hope for our daily journey.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

When Christ Comes Again

When Christ comes again, He will be looking for something...HIMSELF! He will be looking for a people that bear His image, that reflect His glory, that are walking in His holiness. A people who are filled with the Spirit. A people whose desire is the Father's will, whose hearts are pure, and whose lives reflect the awesome power of amazing grace. Paul gives a picture of what we are to look like in Ephesians. Chapters 4 and 5 reveal what Christ is looking for today among those of us who wear His name. We are to live a life worthy of the calling we have received (4:1). Paul insists that our life must be different than it was before we came to know Christ (4:17). We have been created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. What a privilege! May this be our prayer, our cry, our heart's desire! Paul employs the picture of 'walking' or 'living' to communicate this changed life. We are to walk in love (5:2), walk in the light (5:8), walk in wisdom (5:15), walk in strength (6:10). This is possible only through the Spirit's cleansing and control-be filled with the Spirit (5:18). Christ is looking for those who do more than wear His name. He is looking for those who follow His steps and reflect His glory. Let's find out what pleases the Lord (5;10), and through the leadership of the Holy Spirit understand what the Lord's will is (5:17). He is looking for Himself.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Convincing Proof

Christ is alive. Luke in Acts 1:3 does not make an extensive list, but communicates the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was alive. After His suffering, after Christ fulfilled the Father's will, there was a strategic period of time between the resurrection and ascension. The convincing proofs(Acts 1:3) came in simple ways such as eating with them, walking with them, helping them fish, etc. The resurrected Jesus walked among them, continued to instruct them concerning key issues, helped the defeated ones to press forward, and exhorted the disciples to embrace the challenge that was before them. In daily life they were needing to learn to live as if Jesus was alive, and He is! We need to live each day with a keen awareness of the living Christ. If we will allow, if we will look for, if we will expect, the convincing proofs can be still be seen. Living with an awareness of His presence is a key to worship, holiness, discipleship and all of life. The Scriptural record of Christ's post resurrection appearances were in non-spectacular and everyday activity. That's where I need Him most-in everyday life. That's where He wants to make an impact-in everyday life. He will be with you always (Mt. 28:20). Let's practice the presence of the living Christ. Let's live with a keen awareness that He is here. Let's refuse to succomb to the noise, busyness and distractions. Fix your thoughts on Jesus (Hebrews 3:1)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Post Resurrection Living

Millions filled churches across America this past Sunday to celebrate Christ's victory over sin, death, Satan and hell. Musicals, pageants, and simple sermons about this life transforming event sounded out across this nation. But Sunday wasn't merely for Sunday. Easter Sunday is for everyday. It's not merely that the Lamb has won, but are we living in that victory today? Because of the resurrection of Christ we are more than conquerors today. It doesn't matter how great the service was on Sunday, it's about today. So what the stone was rolled away. Am I allowing that same power to strengthen me to resist temptation and walk in holy obedience to Christ and live in holy love for others today? Paul prayed that the Ephesians would know this resurrection power in daily living (Ephesians 1:19). Paul was not merely speaking of a head knowledge, the word he uses speaks of an experiential knowledge. He was speaking about a power that was working in everyday life. He references this power multiples times in Ephesians. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is about everyday life. Christianity is about everyday life. Post resurrection living is about discovering this power for today. That's where I need it, I imagine you do too. Let's believe!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Great Salvation

On this day following the indescribable gift, let us meditate upon God's amazing grace, the Son's sacrificial obedience, and the high cost of this great salvation. This great love should motivate us to consecrate ourselves with great joy and without hesitation to the Father. Let us follow the path of the Son who was obedient to death, even death on the cross. Reflect upon the two quotes and the verse from God's Word.

"Knowing God without knowing our own wretchedness makes for pride. Knowing our own wretchedness without knowing God makes for despair. Knowing Jesus Christ strikes the balance because He shows us both God and our own wretchedness (Blaise Pascal)."

"What God asks is a will which will no longer be divided between him and any creature, a will pliant in his hands,which neither desires anything nor refuses anything, which wants without reservation everything which he wants, and which never, under any pretext, wants anything which he does not want (Fenelon)."

"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for our sake He became poor that we through His poverty might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9)."

Friday, March 21, 2008

Great Salvation/Good Friday

The consumer mindset rules the church in America. We have taken the cross of Christ and transformed it into something nice. There is nothing nice about the cross of Christ. As Paul said it, is foolishness to some, a stumbling block to others. Many will not embrace the cross because it will not take them where they want to go. How can we embrace the cross and find power, wealth, and the applause of man? Paul gloried in the cross. He counted everything else as rubbish, except to know Christ and Him crucified. The consumer mindset conflicts with the cross. The consumer mindset has my comfort, happiness and success at its core. The cross has the will of the Father and the glory of the Father at its core. The cross demands that I die to my selfish agenda and embrace the Father's will without hestitation or reservation. The cross is not a place to strike a bargain. The cross is not a place to make a deal. The cross of Christ is painful, embarrassing, confrontational, and revealing. The cross of Christ exposes our sins and sinfulness. The cross of Christ is life's major intersection. Here I choose life or death, sin or holiness, forgiveness or condemnation, Christ or self. Christ calls us to 'follow Him.' The destination of that path takes us to the cross. There we have the privilege of being crucified with Christ so that we are no longer living for self but for Christ. Then we discover the privilege of sharing in His redemptive purpose as the power of His resurrection flows through us to a broken world. Then by the grace of God, we transition from being a consumer to being Christian.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Great Salvation

On this special Thursday as we move closer to the death and resurrection of Christ, let us be in awe at the provision of the new covenant. Through His death and resurrection, through Christ's eternal priesthood and the power of His endless life, we are privileged to a salvation that has no limits. Christ is able to save completely, to the uttermost those who come to God through Him (Hebrews 7:25). The key is 'through Him'. Christ is the source of this great salvation, for all practical purposes, Christ IS this salvation. Because He holds the keys of death and hell, because all authority and power on earth and in heaven are His, HE IS ABLE to save completely those who come to God THROUGH HIM! There is no plan B, we don't need a plan B, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus. He is able to save us completely so that we can throw off every weight that hinders, so that we can be free from every besetting sin and run with perseverance the race set before us (Hebrews 12). The Son has come to set us free. He has come to make us more than conquerors. He has come to enable us to reign in life (Romans 5:17,8:37, Jn.8:34). He is bringing many sons to glory and He is able to do that very thing. He is the Author and Finisher of this faith we know. He is interceding for us to connect our need to the Father's supply. Our task is to rest in His finished work. Our calling is to believe He is able. Our hope is this great salvation. Don't stop short pilgrim! He is able! Lay aside every weight and every sin, and with great joy and full confidence run the race.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Great Salvation

Hebrews 1 speaks loud and clear, "In these last days God has spoken to us in His Son." The indescribable gift as Pauls says. The Son is our salvation. He is God in the flesh, greater than angels, greater than Moses, the One who lives forever, whose kingdom is unshakable, whose provision is perfect, whose sacrifice complete. The Son is the Great High Priest of the New Covenant in His blood. He intercedes to execute that covenant in the human heart. He stands in the gap and becomes the bridge between man's mess and God's miracle. When God is the source of the salvation we need look no further. Fix your eyes on the Son. When God is the source of the salvation lame men walk, blind men see, dead men live. Are there other sources? Are there other salvations? Jesus is the Way, know Him. The exclusive nature of truth brings freedom and life to the one who fixes their attention upon the Son. How liberating! What hope we have! The Son demands our full attention, our joy filled worship. Because of the Son, I can be a new creation, I can walk in newness of life, and live in the full assurance of faith. During this passion week, let's focus our attention on the Son and open our heart to Him (Hebrews 2:1-4, 3:1-3)

Friday, February 22, 2008


Does anybody really know what time it is? This question sounded out from a popular song of the late 60's. In John 13 Jesus focuses the attention of his disciples upon a specific time. At critical points Christ has talked about 'his time.' Now this 'time' has come. As we move toward the passion week of Christ, let us understand that this great display of grace was not an accident. The concept of 'time' speaks of purpose, a plan and a path to follow. It was time for Christ to bring the picture into focus and finish the work for which He had been sent. It was time to bring glory to the Father and establish the new covenant. Today is our time to submit to His authority, believe in His person and follow in His steps. Today is the operative time for all mankind. Today is the 'time' of salvation, grace, and mercy. As we move toward Easter, it is time for us to deny self, take the cross and follow Christ. Delay is Satan's tool. "Now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Monday, February 4, 2008


John 10 radiates with encouragement and exhortation for those who would choose to follow the living Christ. A key word in the chapter is 'listen.' To the sheep who know the shepherds's voice, the words are life and peace (Jn.6:63). To those who have hardedned their hearts and rejected Jesus of Nazareth, his words are labeled demonic (10:19). The contrast is startling. What am I hearing as I follow the Good Shepherd? It should be good news of peace, joy and life. Christ's words bring confidence, contentment, security as life unfolds. The Psalmist said to 'be still & know God (46:10). It's about learning to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. In a world of massive doses of noise, I must learn to cultivate the inner ear to hear the Good Shepherd. Too often I find myself afraid of the silence and content to be drowned by the noise. As the young man Samuel declared, 'speak Lord your servant is listening.' With the help of the Holy Spirit let us cultivate ears to hear the Word of God and listen to what the Spirit is saying to the church.