Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How Long

Sunday we looked at Psalm 13. The point of the Psalm for me is the choice to sing to the Lord in the middle of the 'how long' of life. For too many the song has gone silent, the music of grace has died in their spirit. They are moaning and groaning about life and the injustice and pain, and the seeming silence of God instead of making the choice to rejoice in the Lord. At times it is much easier to moan and groan than rejoice. But the easy thing is seldom the path of the Kingdom of God. David was under attach from Saul, life was not as it should be, he was the anointed king but living as a fugitive, one of Saul's most wanted. It would have been easy for him to get stuck in the 'how long'. But David still had the song. God's grace brings a song to the human spirit. A song we should be willing to sing at midnight even if we are shackled in a Roman prison (Acts 16). There was a point when David probably lost the song and Psalm 51 records this. David cries out for God to restore the joy of His salvation-I need the song back. God restores the song when we repent and let go of our moaning and groaning. Maybe this song is the heartbeat of God planted within the spirit of the person of faith. Thank you Lord for the song (Psalm 40).

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How Long

Sunday we looked at Psalm 13. The point of the Psalm for me is the choice to sing to the Lord in the middle of the 'how long' of life. For too many the song has gone silent, the music of grace has died in their spirit. They are moaning and groaning about life and the injustice and pain, and the seeming silence of God instead of making the choice to rejoice in the Lord. At times it is much easier to moan and groan than rejoice. But the easy thing is seldom the path of the Kingdom of God. David was under attach from Saul, life was not as it should be, he was the anointed king but living as a fugitive, one of Saul's most wanted. It would have been easy for him to get stuck in the 'how long'. But David still had the song. God's grace brings a song to the human spirit. A song we should be willing to sing at midnight even if we are shackled in a Roman prison (Acts 16). There was a point when David probably lost the song and Psalm 51 records this. David cries out for God to restore the joy of His salvation-I need the song back. God restores the song when we repent and let go of our moaning and groaning. Maybe this song is the heartbeat of God planted within the spirit of the person of faith. Thank you Lord for the song (Psalm 40).