Monday, April 29, 2013

Congratulations For What

In the last couple days the news media made a big splash about a current NBA player declaring that he was homosexual. His 'coming out' was heralded as a great step forward for professional athletes everywhere. Our President even called to 'congratulate' him?????  Congratulations for what? The Scriptures are clear that homosexual behavior is one of many perversions of human sexuality. How confused we have become in our culture when we embrace and celebrate that which God's Word declares is sin. If you haven't seen it, YouTube Louis Farakan's response to Obama's support of same sex marriage. A Muslim leader, someone I would consider rather radical, comes in on the side of God's Word. In his message he states, 'who cares what society says...God says it is sin.'
God's Word states that 'righteousness exalts a nation but sin condemns any people (Prov 14:34).' It also states, "woe to those who call wrong right and right wrong (Isaiah 5:20)."
Dare we say this is a tell tale sign of the 'last days?' The last days for America as we know it as we reject the authority of God's Word and embrace the sinfulness of selfish mankind. This is not time for congratulations, but for weeping and repentance. This is time for every preacher of God's Word to take inventory and refuse to preach peace and safety when destruction is coming upon us as a nation, and as a church.
Homosexuality is a sin like stealing, gossip, adultery, lying, hate, etc. It is sin, and the church of Jesus Christ in America is at a crossroads and must decide if she will follow the way of the culture, or embrace God's Word as the source for right and wrong. We are not haters of homosexuals, but believers in God's Word.
The low state of affairs is revealed by the voice of our nation calling to congratulation the individual on their sinful lifestyle.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Congratulations For What

In the last couple days the news media made a big splash about a current NBA player declaring that he was homosexual. His 'coming out' was heralded as a great step forward for professional athletes everywhere. Our President even called to 'congratulate' him?????  Congratulations for what? The Scriptures are clear that homosexual behavior is one of many perversions of human sexuality. How confused we have become in our culture when we embrace and celebrate that which God's Word declares is sin. If you haven't seen it, YouTube Louis Farakan's response to Obama's support of same sex marriage. A Muslim leader, someone I would consider rather radical, comes in on the side of God's Word. In his message he states, 'who cares what society says...God says it is sin.'
God's Word states that 'righteousness exalts a nation but sin condemns any people (Prov 14:34).' It also states, "woe to those who call wrong right and right wrong (Isaiah 5:20)."
Dare we say this is a tell tale sign of the 'last days?' The last days for America as we know it as we reject the authority of God's Word and embrace the sinfulness of selfish mankind. This is not time for congratulations, but for weeping and repentance. This is time for every preacher of God's Word to take inventory and refuse to preach peace and safety when destruction is coming upon us as a nation, and as a church.
Homosexuality is a sin like stealing, gossip, adultery, lying, hate, etc. It is sin, and the church of Jesus Christ in America is at a crossroads and must decide if she will follow the way of the culture, or embrace God's Word as the source for right and wrong. We are not haters of homosexuals, but believers in God's Word.
The low state of affairs is revealed by the voice of our nation calling to congratulation the individual on their sinful lifestyle.