Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Recently I heard a freind say, "I know nothing about joy and have no joy." This individual is a believer and knows the Word of God, but senses they are missing a primary gift of Christ's presence and provision. In John 15 Jesus speaks of His joy being in us and our joy being full. Maybe one of our sources of frustration concerning joy is attempting to manifest it in our life through a feeling. H.Nouwen says this joy is a sign of new life. For Christ's people we awaken to this newness every day-outwardly wasting away but inwardly being made new (2 Cor.4:16.) For Jesus this joy was a result of being one with the Father and doing the Father's will. We have the same privilege. This joy is independent of circumstances and finds its source in relationship. The fruit of the Spirit is joy-a result of His presence in us. Going back to John 15, Jesus exhorts us to 'abide/remain' in me. The relationship is the source of joy. This joy is a result of being loved by others and loving others(Jn.15:17). This is the joy of knowing it is well with our soul. It is the overflow of the witness of the Spirit that we are children of God, loved by God, cherished by Him. Too often we work to attach joy to objects and circumstances. Joy cannot be purchased. Neither can peace, hope, life-these are gifts of God in Christ to those who believe. These are 'spiritual blessings' that flow out of the Spirit within. David cried out, 'restore the joy of your salvation' (Ps.51). The Christian has the joy of being alive in Christ and dead to sin. We feed this joy by abiding in the vine, walking in obedience (harmony) to Father's will, and remaining humble in heart. Joy, like salvation, is a gift. We must learn to be receievers of all Christ has provided for us. Stand on His promise, "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete (Jn. 15:11)." "I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow (Jn 15:11 NLT)!" Claim your joy in Christ-refuse to allow the thief to steal this gift.

Monday, August 5, 2013


One of my favorite scriptures is the prayer of Paul in Ephesians 3:14-20. Verse 20 is the peak of the prayer as Paul declares that Christ is able and His people should not doubt His ability to transform them into His image and implant a new heart within them. Verse 20 begins, "Now unto Him". That's really what life is all about, "Him". That is what the gospel is all about, "Him." That is what each day is to be all about, "Him". A subtle confusion works its way into our lives concerning two critical areas of life: *Who we think we are vs who God is *What I want vs the will of God. In each of these the center is off. It has shifted from "Him" to me. When that happens life does not work, and we struggle to put things together according to what we want. It is the picture of our world around us-what mess. It is a man-centered mess. We have forgetton that it's "Him" not us. We have rejected His will for our ways. In another passage Paul states, 'whatever we do in word or in deed, do it all in the name of Jesus (Colossians 3:16).' Now unto Him...let that be our daily focus.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Recently I heard a freind say, "I know nothing about joy and have no joy." This individual is a believer and knows the Word of God, but senses they are missing a primary gift of Christ's presence and provision. In John 15 Jesus speaks of His joy being in us and our joy being full. Maybe one of our sources of frustration concerning joy is attempting to manifest it in our life through a feeling. H.Nouwen says this joy is a sign of new life. For Christ's people we awaken to this newness every day-outwardly wasting away but inwardly being made new (2 Cor.4:16.) For Jesus this joy was a result of being one with the Father and doing the Father's will. We have the same privilege. This joy is independent of circumstances and finds its source in relationship. The fruit of the Spirit is joy-a result of His presence in us. Going back to John 15, Jesus exhorts us to 'abide/remain' in me. The relationship is the source of joy. This joy is a result of being loved by others and loving others(Jn.15:17). This is the joy of knowing it is well with our soul. It is the overflow of the witness of the Spirit that we are children of God, loved by God, cherished by Him. Too often we work to attach joy to objects and circumstances. Joy cannot be purchased. Neither can peace, hope, life-these are gifts of God in Christ to those who believe. These are 'spiritual blessings' that flow out of the Spirit within. David cried out, 'restore the joy of your salvation' (Ps.51). The Christian has the joy of being alive in Christ and dead to sin. We feed this joy by abiding in the vine, walking in obedience (harmony) to Father's will, and remaining humble in heart. Joy, like salvation, is a gift. We must learn to be receievers of all Christ has provided for us. Stand on His promise, "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete (Jn. 15:11)." "I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow (Jn 15:11 NLT)!" Claim your joy in Christ-refuse to allow the thief to steal this gift.

Monday, August 5, 2013


One of my favorite scriptures is the prayer of Paul in Ephesians 3:14-20. Verse 20 is the peak of the prayer as Paul declares that Christ is able and His people should not doubt His ability to transform them into His image and implant a new heart within them. Verse 20 begins, "Now unto Him". That's really what life is all about, "Him". That is what the gospel is all about, "Him." That is what each day is to be all about, "Him". A subtle confusion works its way into our lives concerning two critical areas of life: *Who we think we are vs who God is *What I want vs the will of God. In each of these the center is off. It has shifted from "Him" to me. When that happens life does not work, and we struggle to put things together according to what we want. It is the picture of our world around us-what mess. It is a man-centered mess. We have forgetton that it's "Him" not us. We have rejected His will for our ways. In another passage Paul states, 'whatever we do in word or in deed, do it all in the name of Jesus (Colossians 3:16).' Now unto Him...let that be our daily focus.