Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Blessing

The argument concerning Christmas continues. I choose to embrace the opportunity to focus on the great act of God's redemptive grace, He gave His Son. However it all came to be, it is an opportunity to call attention to an act like no other. The indescribable gift has been given and the world needs to be aware of this generosity. The Word became flesh-let that sink in. The Word became the sin offering for mankind (2 Corinthians 5:21). A price so great, a sacrifice so significant, an act of mercy so intense and awesome-who cares about the date, or the origins of a holiday. Let's worship and adore the living and true God who sometime, somewhere became flesh so that we might know Him. The world affords us an opportunity to focus attention upon this mercy. Celebrate every light, song, tree, gift, decoration-in some way they point to the King of kings. Christmas is God blessing a broken world. Let's be a blessing to Him!

Monday, November 29, 2010


As we enter Advent season of another year, we focus our attention upon one of God's sign posts. This neon sign reminds us of God's sovereignty, that His ways are beyond finding out or explanation. His plan, purposes and the working of His power defy our best explanation. What God does, how He has responded to the sinfulness of man should bring astonishment and wonder to us-always. Some hear the message and call it foolishness. Some hear, see and believe and through a power and authority not their own are transformed into children of God. A transformation that defies description and is experienced through faith. A song of praise replaces a cry of despair and emptiness. God is still working His plan. The Incarnation was only part of the story. Let's fix our eyes upon Jesus and refuse to settle for a Christianity that is less than what Jesus illustrated. He defines love, mercy, compassion, holiness, obedience, faith. He defines God. Fix your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith-the Word became flesh.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

God's Rule

It is reported that when Churchhill was dying, after reflecting about the world and life he stated, 'there is no hope.' As we view the landscape of history, as we look into the troubled waters of tomorrow and work to make sense of the noise of today, it would seem that hope is in limited supply. One would especially come to this conclusion if you lived in other world areas. Areas constantly stressed and decimated by famine, war, genocide, disease, extreme poverty. The good news is God rules. In His sovereign purposes He is working His story and bringing to pass what He has planned. There is a solid foundation, there is an unshakable kingdom. The life of Jesus was reflective of this stability. Hanging from the cross, breathing the last breath of his earthly existence, He entrusted His spirit to the Father. Each day we should do the same. Each day we should submit to God's rule and live in His peace. Each day we can have hope because He is at work in all things. Someone said, 'life without Christ is a hopeless end, but life with Christ is endless hope.' Let's turn our eyes upon Jesus and live under God's sovereign rule-today!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tune My Heart

The thanksgiving season is upon us, but for Christ's people, thanksgiving is to be a continual attitude and practice. The hymn states, 'come thou fount of every blessing tune my heart to sing thy grace.' We need a heart tuning to sing praise and thanksgiving and separate ourselves from complaining. It is a great sin for Christ's people to complain. We need to practice one minute praising throughout the day not only for each other, but for Almighty God. The King of kings deserves our praise. Israel had a tendency to forget. When we forget God and His blessings we become ingrates-ungrateful people. The opposite of an ingrate is a Christian. The person who remembers grace and mercy, who has not forgotten that they were once darkness, once without hope and without God, but now they have come to new abundant life in Christ. O Holy Spirit tune my heart to be a heart of praise and thanksgiving to God.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Love is the greatest

Our challenge at Amarillo First Nazarene over the last two months has been, "love Amarillo." We have been challenged by God's Word as it repeatedly calls Christ's church to a whole different way of living. To live a life of love is the holiness that Christ is looking for in His church. We, the body of Christ, must have a different look, feel and smell from the world. We are to be the aroma of Christ-the aroma of holy love. Patience, kindness, gentleness, self control, forgiveness-God's Word defines this love in very practical ways that challenge each of us. It is a radical lifestyle that requires the work of the Holy Spirit. When we walk in love, we bring life into the situation. When we do otherwise it leads to death. We can be like Cain or like Christ (1 John 3:12). I find it too easy to be like Cain who butchered Abel. The Holy Spirit must be in control. His cleansing presence is not an option. Christ's eternal life in us is a powerful presence to make us different from the world around us, and to help us make a redemptive difference. Self must be laid aside if the world is to see Christ in us. This all begins as we grasp how great the love is that God has lavished on us (1 Jn. 3:1).

Friday, September 10, 2010

Blaming God / Burning Books

As a pastor you hear a lot of excuses for various forms of behavior. A common excuse is the one being exercised by the pastor in Florida who wants to burn the Koran. He is blaming the whole episode on God. "We are only trying to do what God told us to do." No, they are only trying to do what some short sighted man wants to do. It is interesting that the church's name begins with "Dove". The symbol of peace and the Holy Spirit and yet for this man and his people it seems to be only a symbol. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace... We all know Christ told us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute-a stretch for any of us. It's easier to burn books, call names, drop bombs, file lawsuits than to love. Let's abandon the "God told me" excuse. This man's proposed actions do not fit with the Jesus way. It is amazing that so much attention has been generated by a single, small church. Yet it is amazing how much hatred, anxiety, hostility was generated by 911-the actions of only a few. A terrible tragedy that left many deep wounds, but only a few expressed the hatred. Hopefully this man will move beyond his selfish agenda, see the bigger picture and ask a simple question, 'what would Jesus do?' The answer: He loved his enemies and calls His church to do the same.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Worship vs Entertainment

The body of Christ in America is in major need of Holy Spirit overhaul. We have become like the world, are really in love with the things and ways of this world. A renewal of worship could be a key place to begin. As Tozer stated years ago, 'worship is the missing jewel of the church.' The American church scene has become inspirational, therapeutic, and entertaining. It is man centered, and presentation driven. It is culturally inspired and no longer driven by our awe of God's holiness, and a humility and brokeness concerning His love and grace twoard us. We are bondage to our cultural climate which is driven by our need to be entertained, stimulated. Lighting, sound, multi-media, all forms of instrumentation-yes it may have its place; however, when we become dependent upon those things to create a certain 'worship experience' we are idolatrous. How much lighting, sound, media is enough? Are we incompetition with Hollywood?

When we worship, whether in a building on Sunday morning, or driving to work on Monday morning, it is an encounter with the living God and brings transformation to our person through the work of the Holy Spirit. The encounter with God, the engagement of His person and the recognition of His holiness brings transformation. Every day is a battle for our worship. Let's focus attention on the living Christ and live in awe and gratitude.

Isaiah was revived as He saw the Lord and worshiped.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Neither Do I...

Words are powerful. I regret saying some things as I look back on life. With maturity comes a greater ability to 'hold the tongue.' Little phrases such as 'I love you', 'you're beautiful', you're special' can lift a soul. The negative phrases can be just as devestating. No telling what names she had been called that day. They placed her in front of Jesus. She was condemned, a sinner caught in the act. It was a religious frenzy. Judgment, condemnation, rules, laws, punishment. Jesus played in the dirt while they squabbled, haggled, and destroyed her with their words and looks. Christ asked the question that shattered their religious pride, at least for the moment. Jesus was the only sinless one in the mix. He could have cast the first stone. He could have been a religious zealot, instead He was the compassionate God come in the flesh. He spoke to her as she had never been spoken to before. There was hope, love, grace in His voice. She couldn't believe what she heard. This couldn't be the Word of God, but it was, He is. "Neither do I." Christ didn't come to condemn the world, but to set it free from condemnation & guilt (John 3:16-17). Christ stands at the crossroads between the law and grace of God. He stands not to condemn but to save. She was given a second opportunity. "Stop doing the things that are killing you" Christ exhorted. Quit sinning. Walk in the light. Walk in life. She could because of His grace. Hopefully she did and we will because of His grace. (John 8:1-11). Neither do I...thank you Jesus!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

American Church

You've heard of American pie, let's talk American church. I was reading this morning in 1 Cor.1 where Paul speaks of preaching the cross and of desiring not to empty the cross of its power. I have often thought on that phrase and prayed over it because as a preacher the temptation is to use 'words of human wisdom' as Paul says in 1 Cor. 1:17. The American church has few similarities to the N.T. model. Today, a majority of church goers have made their most recent choice based upon style of music, style of preaching, programs for children and youth, etc. As a pastor I have seen the subtle but radical shift so that it's about man, not about God. The gathering of the saints that we call 'church' is to be a time of corporate celebration of God's holiness and grace. A time of equipping and encouragement. A time of accountability and exhortation. A time of sharing our journey, passing the faith along to the next generation, praying for one another. Today the challenge is to create a better entertainment model than the church down the street. American church is about entertainment and feeling good. It is man centered instead of Christ centered. The result is we have emptied the cross of its power. The mega-church model with all its hollywood show and feel has become the coveted model. As a pastor it is fun to be the church in town people want to come to; however, I know too many come because they 'like' the singing or preaching, etc. Paul goes on to say God choose the lowly and despised things to use for His glory. There is nothing wrong with the mega church or with a hollywood style presentation-at least I'm going to say there is not. The motive and intent are critical and only God measures that. Those of us in the church must be cautious about what we are looking for in a church-we are the church. It's not about music style or preaching dynamic, it's about the power of God and the wisdom of God. Our boast must be in the Lord. Think about it church. Have we emptied the Gospel of its power with our desire for personal gratification?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Roadstar Ride

I just completed a 3000+ mile motorcycle ride from Lubbock to Ohio and back. If you think that is crazy, I had lunch with a pastor from Indiana who had just done a 6000 mile ride. The open road, wind in your face, road kill stench, and a good strong rain storm will make you wonder if you made the right choice. It sounds like a long distance, but it takes place one mile at a time. It's a lot like life. One day at a time, one step at a time, one choice at a time, but the cumulative effect is startling. The key in all of it is to know what road you are traveling, and to know what your intended destination is. Each day the road is the pathway of Jesus Christ. Each day the goal is to be like Him and bring glory to His name. At the end of the journey the goal is to know you have lived life well, and been His good and faithful servant. Sometimes the journey is a blue sky and winding roads of creation beauty. Some days it's raining and you can't see through your goggles. The key in all of it is to stay focused and move forward in faith, motivated by a radical love for Jesus Christ because you have discovered and tasted His radical love for you. The biker saying (I'm not a biker but I like to ride) is ride to live, live to ride. Paul, has a better version, "For me to live is Christ..."

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Father's Day has come and gone. This Father's Day marked the first for my wife without her dad and my seventh without my dad. Being a dad is a challenge, maybe one of life's greatest challenges. Maybe I should rephrase. If you desire to be a good dad and lead your family and train your children to be persons of character and follow the Christian faith, it is a monumental challenge. I am thankful for a dad who did his best to train, lead and provide. I am forever a debtor to Joseph Donnerberg, and Karen would say the same about her dad, James Blankenship. I am grateful for my earthly father's love and life, but I am also grateful for a Father in heaven who loves to give good gifts to His children. A heavenly Father who knows what I need even before I ask, who gives the Holy Spirit as a most precious gift. The gift I cherish today is the presence of my heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit living in me. My Dad's presence is a distant memory. But my Father in heaven is here, with and within me today. That presence leads, guides, provides, disciplines, encourages, sanctifies, strengthens. His Spirit witnesses with my Spirit that I am His child and He loves me.

Monday, June 7, 2010


We are beginning a series of messages at Amarillo First Nazarene on the promises of God from the Gospel of John. This Sunday is the promise of joy, John 15:11. Like peace, joy is the salvation of the Lord. Joy is the good news replacing the bad news in the human heart, it is the taste of forgiveness and release from guilt and condemnation. It is the rush of stepping into the Father's arms and being smothered with the embrace of holy love and acceptance. It is the smile that erupts from the depths of a heart that has been liberated, healed, and invaded with Divine holiness. Joy is the awe of being overwhelmed wtih abounding grace and magnificant mercy. Joy is Jesus Christ-Savior, Sanctifier, Shepherd. Joy is the hallelujah of the life redeemed from darkness and death. Joy is the inner dance of a new creature in Christ. Joy is the celebration of God in Christ and the discovery and participation in amazing grace.

I heard Ravi Zacharias say this: Joy for Christian is central and sorrow peripheral. For the unbeliever sorrow is central and joy is peripheral...the fruit of the Spirit is joy.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. It is one of those key markers that has been overshadowed by Christmas and Easter. In the course of God's salvation history, each new revelation of God's amazing grace and redemptive power is essential. The great promise of the Holy Spirit living within anyone who places their faith in Christ. The promise that the wicked, sinful, selfish heart within mankind could be purified, sanctified, and filled with Christ's presence through the Holy Spirit. The promise that love could be enthroned in the human heart replacing the cruel selfishness that marks the history of mankind. The promise of power to be witnesses of Christ's love and grace. Power to be patient, kind, forgiving, merciful. The power to be Christ-like. Some would scoff at such a claim, but this is what mankind was created to be. Be filled with the Spirit! This is the birthright of all mankind. The provision of Christ provided a presence and power to fulfill the purpose of the Father. This is the Divine power to hope, pray, serve, give, to be witnessess. We have a story to tell. We tell it best by living each day to the praise of Christ. We tell each day by living a holiness that radiates the beauty of Jesus Christ. To be filled with the Holy Spirit is the great gift of the Father. All Christ did paved the way for this powerful presence to be realized today, this moment, in your life.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

James Russell Blankenship

Karen’s dad just stepped into eternity this morning (4/15/10). I should say he stepped into the awesome presence of the living Christ. Having lost two key men in my life, my dad six years ago(12/30/03) and now my father in law reminds me of the transient nature of life and how important a place we each play in life. Each of these men had much in common and yet were distinctly different. They were each men of God, whose first love was Jesus Christ. Both knew the importance of prayer and the power of God’s Word. They were patient, kind, generous and gracious. They were leaders, each in their own arena of life, and yet were humble servants. They lived for eternity and walked with a consciousness of the living Christ each day. They were aware of and thankful for the grace of God. They loved to laugh, and each had a smile that was unlike anyone else. Their eyes were of different color, but there was a sparkle in their eyes even when the days were dark. They both were born into a world filled with difficulty and few luxuries. One was a preacher, the other a small town businessman. Both ran the race till the end and were good and faithful servants of the Lord. Neither one had any significant title, but both left a testimony and a legacy of faith and faithfulness. They were devoted, consistent, credible, authentic, real men. They were respected by their peers, cherished by their family, and appreciated by a multitude of others influenced through their service and love. Their final word to us would be the same, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the seat of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of living water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.” For living life well and showing us the way, with deep gratitude and respect I say, THANK YOU to Joseph Lee Donnerberg and James Russell Blankenship.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Way of The Cross

Last night we joined with several other churches in the city and began a three night series of services for holy week. In reality each week, each day is holy-it is the Lord's. A precious gift from Him to all of creation. The challenge of each day is to make it count for Him, to live for eternal glory, to lay up treasures in heaven. Jerry Thomas in his message last night referenced the hymn, 'The Way of The Cross Leads Home.' I'm all about the new music, but I also love some of the great hymns of our faith. This one communicates a great message for us to remember during this special week leading to Easter. "I must needs go home by the way of the cross, there's no other way but this. I shall neer get sight of the gates of light if the way of the cross I miss. I must needs go on in the blood sprinkled way, the path that the Savior trod, if I ever climb to the heights sublime where the soul is at home with God. Then I bid farewell to the way of the world, to walk in it nevermore, for my Lord says, come, and I seek my home where he waits at the open door. The way of the cross leads home. It is sweet to know as I onward go, the way of the cross leads home.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


In West Texas last night I drove to the house in a blizzard. This morning the skies are blue. The contrast reminds me that I am not in control of very much. Handling life is like trying to chase a jackrabbit. It's not easy, neat or predictable. This season of the year declares to mankind that there is hope. It's not a hope built on a new health care mandate, or on an upward trend in the stock market. It is a hope that comes from the heart of Almighty God. The Scriptures say this hope is sure and steadfast, firm and secure (Hebrews 6:19). Peter says we are to be ready to give a reason for the hope that lies within us ( 1 Peter 3:15). The reason for this hope is not that everything in life is working out like we want it, or that we have a found a three step solution for all our problems. The reason is Christ. Christ in us the hope of glory (Colossians 1:17). I can't control blizzards, blues skies, government health care, or another person, but I can control what I fix my hope on. As I write this the song on the internet stream is "our God is an awesome God." Let's not forget this truth that brings hope and eternal life. What God did for us in the Son is awesome! He reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power and love! I have hope. So can you-know Jesus Christ, crucified, raised, coming again.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Good Shepherd

John 10 is a passage full of promise for a world ravaged by fear and anxiety. Our fears are often a direct result of our choice to forget the promises of God and reject His presence. The Good Shepherd illustration is about presence. That presence is the salvation of the sheep. The Good Shepherd does not abandon the sheep to the wolf, thief, or other preditor. The Good Shepherd (there is none good but God), stays with the sheep and this presence is the source of salvation. It's not about the green pastures, still waters or any other blessing. It's about the presence of the Shepherd. The task of the sheep is to listen to the voice of, and follow the lead of the shepherd. There are a lot of voices, most are just noise that intensifies the anxiety and fear. This voice brings assurance, hope, peace, life. It is the voice that shouted from Mt. Calvary. It is the still small voice that connects with the inner ear of mankind. It is the voice of truth, the voice of life. The Shepherd's presence is the promise of life for sheep. I'm learning to trust, listen to his voice, follow his lead, enjoy His presence. I am resisting the corrosive power of fear and anxiety as I rest in His love. Discovering the Good Shepherd is life giving.

Good Shepherd

John 10 is an incredible section of God's Word that is full of promise for mankind. Often our fears and anxieties are a result of our failure to embrace the promises of God. God's primary promise to us is about His presence. The Good Shepherd is a story about God's presence. The sheep need a shepherd to guide, protect, discipline, feed and lead. The presence of the shepherd is the savlation of the sheep. If the shepherd abandons the sheep, the wolf, thief or other preditor comes in and destroys. The Good Shepherd (there is none good but God) never abandons the sheep. His presence is the salvation for the sheep. The salvation is not in the green pastures, still waters or any other provision. The salvation is a result of God keeping His promise and providing His presence. Anxieties and fears subside when we learn to listen to the shepherd's voice and follow His lead. I'm learning to trust, listen to His voice, follow His lead, enjoy His presence and rest in His Almighty power. I am resisting the corrosive power of fear as I recognize His presence. Discovering the Good Shepherd is life giving (John 10:10).

Monday, February 1, 2010


Sometimes I wonder who we are as the body of Christ. This past week the guy in Kansas that killed the abortion doctor was labeled by our news anchor as a 'born again Christian.' I was frustrated when I heard it. The man's own verbage had been frustrating. The last thing He is, is born again. He forgot that Jesus said love your enemies, and whoever thinks about killing someone is guilty of murder. Murdering doctors is no solution to abortion. I was frustrated when one of the talking heads of Christian television recently said God was punishing Haiti with the earthquake. I would think that Haiti is last on the list of needing punishment from God. What about America?! The same group said God was punishing America with the 911 attacks. Frustrating is probably not the best word, but it's a start. How will the world see Christ if this is the messasge that is heard. A born again Christian shoots a doctor in church?! A holy God who is seeking to redeem a lost world turns the most impoverished nation on planet earth up side down? Maybe God is frustrated also, but not with Haiti. How stupid can those who claim to know Him be? As His people we are called to live a life of love. When we do that, I believe the devil is frustrated. When we are truly loving, the nay-sayers against Christianity are silent. The guy in Kansas bought into the world's system of power and control-kill the enemy. The talking head bought into the world's system of hype and sensationalism. Holy Spirit help me to follow Jesus!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sanctity of Life

There are many challenges facing America today. One that has nearly disappeared from the public forum is the issue of abortion and the sanctity of life. The slaughter of the unborn continues in the name of convenience, choice and women's health. The right to life is being denied over a million times a year in America. Denied to the most vulnerable of our culture. The voices of men such as Peter Singer, Francis Crick & Margarat Sanger are finding more and more credibility in our culture. Someone said that abortion is a confusing issue. Really it's not, if we can move beyond our selfish view of life. The issue is life. God challenged the people of Israel to 'choose life (Deut. 30:19)." When we embrace abortion, infanticide, euthenasia, we are choosing death. When we lose sight of a Creator who has formed us with a purposeful life in mind (and in America we have lost sight of the Creator), we may devalue life, and even be willing to destroy it. God calls us to choose life. Not just in the realm of abortion and the killing of the unborn, but in everyday situations. When we choose to love, be kind, forgiving, etc., we are choosing life. When we choose to hate, become bitter, we choose death. When we choose to kill the unborn, we vote for death and devalue our own existence. The destruction of the unborn is often a self serving action and it devalues all of humanity. When the will to get my way compels me to destroy another person, death comes to all. The pro-abortion movement is one of death. We must speak out, vote pro-life, and communicate God's grace to those who have been scarred by abortion. Don't shoot doctors, bomb clinics, or throw rocks through windows-those are death choices. Let the body of Christ speak the truth in love and pray for victory. Choose Life!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Reading E. Stanley Jones' In Christ, as one of my devotionals. He states, "my past is past, buried in His love; my present is His, my future unfolds in Him." This statement speaks of the hope we have in Christ. 'In Christ' is the source of life, joy and hope. As we rush into a new year, may we understand that the time we spend focusing on Christ through His Word and in prayer, will feed our hope. The nightly news will continue to be filled with 'bad news.' The political scene will continue to be frustrating. Relationships in life will continue to be challenging. The stresses and strains of everyday living will continue to be experienced. This is reality and in the middle of what at times is a real mess, Christ's people have hope. A hope that is sure, steadfast, anchored in heaven(Heb.6;19). Peter says this is a living hope (1 Pet. 1:3). Paul says this hope stands in the midst of grief and loss (1 Thess. 4:13). He told the Romans this hope does not disappoint (Rom. 5:3). He told Timothy that Christ is our hope (1 Tim. 1:1). My calling is to get close to Christ and stay close. Kyle Strobel says in his book, Metamorpha, "the aim of the Christian life is not independence, but greater dependence; it is intimacy and love, rather than accomplishment and development." Hope comes in one package-Jesus Christ. Christ in us our hope of glory (Col.1:27).

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Blessing

The argument concerning Christmas continues. I choose to embrace the opportunity to focus on the great act of God's redemptive grace, He gave His Son. However it all came to be, it is an opportunity to call attention to an act like no other. The indescribable gift has been given and the world needs to be aware of this generosity. The Word became flesh-let that sink in. The Word became the sin offering for mankind (2 Corinthians 5:21). A price so great, a sacrifice so significant, an act of mercy so intense and awesome-who cares about the date, or the origins of a holiday. Let's worship and adore the living and true God who sometime, somewhere became flesh so that we might know Him. The world affords us an opportunity to focus attention upon this mercy. Celebrate every light, song, tree, gift, decoration-in some way they point to the King of kings. Christmas is God blessing a broken world. Let's be a blessing to Him!

Monday, November 29, 2010


As we enter Advent season of another year, we focus our attention upon one of God's sign posts. This neon sign reminds us of God's sovereignty, that His ways are beyond finding out or explanation. His plan, purposes and the working of His power defy our best explanation. What God does, how He has responded to the sinfulness of man should bring astonishment and wonder to us-always. Some hear the message and call it foolishness. Some hear, see and believe and through a power and authority not their own are transformed into children of God. A transformation that defies description and is experienced through faith. A song of praise replaces a cry of despair and emptiness. God is still working His plan. The Incarnation was only part of the story. Let's fix our eyes upon Jesus and refuse to settle for a Christianity that is less than what Jesus illustrated. He defines love, mercy, compassion, holiness, obedience, faith. He defines God. Fix your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith-the Word became flesh.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

God's Rule

It is reported that when Churchhill was dying, after reflecting about the world and life he stated, 'there is no hope.' As we view the landscape of history, as we look into the troubled waters of tomorrow and work to make sense of the noise of today, it would seem that hope is in limited supply. One would especially come to this conclusion if you lived in other world areas. Areas constantly stressed and decimated by famine, war, genocide, disease, extreme poverty. The good news is God rules. In His sovereign purposes He is working His story and bringing to pass what He has planned. There is a solid foundation, there is an unshakable kingdom. The life of Jesus was reflective of this stability. Hanging from the cross, breathing the last breath of his earthly existence, He entrusted His spirit to the Father. Each day we should do the same. Each day we should submit to God's rule and live in His peace. Each day we can have hope because He is at work in all things. Someone said, 'life without Christ is a hopeless end, but life with Christ is endless hope.' Let's turn our eyes upon Jesus and live under God's sovereign rule-today!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tune My Heart

The thanksgiving season is upon us, but for Christ's people, thanksgiving is to be a continual attitude and practice. The hymn states, 'come thou fount of every blessing tune my heart to sing thy grace.' We need a heart tuning to sing praise and thanksgiving and separate ourselves from complaining. It is a great sin for Christ's people to complain. We need to practice one minute praising throughout the day not only for each other, but for Almighty God. The King of kings deserves our praise. Israel had a tendency to forget. When we forget God and His blessings we become ingrates-ungrateful people. The opposite of an ingrate is a Christian. The person who remembers grace and mercy, who has not forgotten that they were once darkness, once without hope and without God, but now they have come to new abundant life in Christ. O Holy Spirit tune my heart to be a heart of praise and thanksgiving to God.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Love is the greatest

Our challenge at Amarillo First Nazarene over the last two months has been, "love Amarillo." We have been challenged by God's Word as it repeatedly calls Christ's church to a whole different way of living. To live a life of love is the holiness that Christ is looking for in His church. We, the body of Christ, must have a different look, feel and smell from the world. We are to be the aroma of Christ-the aroma of holy love. Patience, kindness, gentleness, self control, forgiveness-God's Word defines this love in very practical ways that challenge each of us. It is a radical lifestyle that requires the work of the Holy Spirit. When we walk in love, we bring life into the situation. When we do otherwise it leads to death. We can be like Cain or like Christ (1 John 3:12). I find it too easy to be like Cain who butchered Abel. The Holy Spirit must be in control. His cleansing presence is not an option. Christ's eternal life in us is a powerful presence to make us different from the world around us, and to help us make a redemptive difference. Self must be laid aside if the world is to see Christ in us. This all begins as we grasp how great the love is that God has lavished on us (1 Jn. 3:1).

Friday, September 10, 2010

Blaming God / Burning Books

As a pastor you hear a lot of excuses for various forms of behavior. A common excuse is the one being exercised by the pastor in Florida who wants to burn the Koran. He is blaming the whole episode on God. "We are only trying to do what God told us to do." No, they are only trying to do what some short sighted man wants to do. It is interesting that the church's name begins with "Dove". The symbol of peace and the Holy Spirit and yet for this man and his people it seems to be only a symbol. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace... We all know Christ told us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute-a stretch for any of us. It's easier to burn books, call names, drop bombs, file lawsuits than to love. Let's abandon the "God told me" excuse. This man's proposed actions do not fit with the Jesus way. It is amazing that so much attention has been generated by a single, small church. Yet it is amazing how much hatred, anxiety, hostility was generated by 911-the actions of only a few. A terrible tragedy that left many deep wounds, but only a few expressed the hatred. Hopefully this man will move beyond his selfish agenda, see the bigger picture and ask a simple question, 'what would Jesus do?' The answer: He loved his enemies and calls His church to do the same.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Worship vs Entertainment

The body of Christ in America is in major need of Holy Spirit overhaul. We have become like the world, are really in love with the things and ways of this world. A renewal of worship could be a key place to begin. As Tozer stated years ago, 'worship is the missing jewel of the church.' The American church scene has become inspirational, therapeutic, and entertaining. It is man centered, and presentation driven. It is culturally inspired and no longer driven by our awe of God's holiness, and a humility and brokeness concerning His love and grace twoard us. We are bondage to our cultural climate which is driven by our need to be entertained, stimulated. Lighting, sound, multi-media, all forms of instrumentation-yes it may have its place; however, when we become dependent upon those things to create a certain 'worship experience' we are idolatrous. How much lighting, sound, media is enough? Are we incompetition with Hollywood?

When we worship, whether in a building on Sunday morning, or driving to work on Monday morning, it is an encounter with the living God and brings transformation to our person through the work of the Holy Spirit. The encounter with God, the engagement of His person and the recognition of His holiness brings transformation. Every day is a battle for our worship. Let's focus attention on the living Christ and live in awe and gratitude.

Isaiah was revived as He saw the Lord and worshiped.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Neither Do I...

Words are powerful. I regret saying some things as I look back on life. With maturity comes a greater ability to 'hold the tongue.' Little phrases such as 'I love you', 'you're beautiful', you're special' can lift a soul. The negative phrases can be just as devestating. No telling what names she had been called that day. They placed her in front of Jesus. She was condemned, a sinner caught in the act. It was a religious frenzy. Judgment, condemnation, rules, laws, punishment. Jesus played in the dirt while they squabbled, haggled, and destroyed her with their words and looks. Christ asked the question that shattered their religious pride, at least for the moment. Jesus was the only sinless one in the mix. He could have cast the first stone. He could have been a religious zealot, instead He was the compassionate God come in the flesh. He spoke to her as she had never been spoken to before. There was hope, love, grace in His voice. She couldn't believe what she heard. This couldn't be the Word of God, but it was, He is. "Neither do I." Christ didn't come to condemn the world, but to set it free from condemnation & guilt (John 3:16-17). Christ stands at the crossroads between the law and grace of God. He stands not to condemn but to save. She was given a second opportunity. "Stop doing the things that are killing you" Christ exhorted. Quit sinning. Walk in the light. Walk in life. She could because of His grace. Hopefully she did and we will because of His grace. (John 8:1-11). Neither do I...thank you Jesus!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

American Church

You've heard of American pie, let's talk American church. I was reading this morning in 1 Cor.1 where Paul speaks of preaching the cross and of desiring not to empty the cross of its power. I have often thought on that phrase and prayed over it because as a preacher the temptation is to use 'words of human wisdom' as Paul says in 1 Cor. 1:17. The American church has few similarities to the N.T. model. Today, a majority of church goers have made their most recent choice based upon style of music, style of preaching, programs for children and youth, etc. As a pastor I have seen the subtle but radical shift so that it's about man, not about God. The gathering of the saints that we call 'church' is to be a time of corporate celebration of God's holiness and grace. A time of equipping and encouragement. A time of accountability and exhortation. A time of sharing our journey, passing the faith along to the next generation, praying for one another. Today the challenge is to create a better entertainment model than the church down the street. American church is about entertainment and feeling good. It is man centered instead of Christ centered. The result is we have emptied the cross of its power. The mega-church model with all its hollywood show and feel has become the coveted model. As a pastor it is fun to be the church in town people want to come to; however, I know too many come because they 'like' the singing or preaching, etc. Paul goes on to say God choose the lowly and despised things to use for His glory. There is nothing wrong with the mega church or with a hollywood style presentation-at least I'm going to say there is not. The motive and intent are critical and only God measures that. Those of us in the church must be cautious about what we are looking for in a church-we are the church. It's not about music style or preaching dynamic, it's about the power of God and the wisdom of God. Our boast must be in the Lord. Think about it church. Have we emptied the Gospel of its power with our desire for personal gratification?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Roadstar Ride

I just completed a 3000+ mile motorcycle ride from Lubbock to Ohio and back. If you think that is crazy, I had lunch with a pastor from Indiana who had just done a 6000 mile ride. The open road, wind in your face, road kill stench, and a good strong rain storm will make you wonder if you made the right choice. It sounds like a long distance, but it takes place one mile at a time. It's a lot like life. One day at a time, one step at a time, one choice at a time, but the cumulative effect is startling. The key in all of it is to know what road you are traveling, and to know what your intended destination is. Each day the road is the pathway of Jesus Christ. Each day the goal is to be like Him and bring glory to His name. At the end of the journey the goal is to know you have lived life well, and been His good and faithful servant. Sometimes the journey is a blue sky and winding roads of creation beauty. Some days it's raining and you can't see through your goggles. The key in all of it is to stay focused and move forward in faith, motivated by a radical love for Jesus Christ because you have discovered and tasted His radical love for you. The biker saying (I'm not a biker but I like to ride) is ride to live, live to ride. Paul, has a better version, "For me to live is Christ..."

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Father's Day has come and gone. This Father's Day marked the first for my wife without her dad and my seventh without my dad. Being a dad is a challenge, maybe one of life's greatest challenges. Maybe I should rephrase. If you desire to be a good dad and lead your family and train your children to be persons of character and follow the Christian faith, it is a monumental challenge. I am thankful for a dad who did his best to train, lead and provide. I am forever a debtor to Joseph Donnerberg, and Karen would say the same about her dad, James Blankenship. I am grateful for my earthly father's love and life, but I am also grateful for a Father in heaven who loves to give good gifts to His children. A heavenly Father who knows what I need even before I ask, who gives the Holy Spirit as a most precious gift. The gift I cherish today is the presence of my heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit living in me. My Dad's presence is a distant memory. But my Father in heaven is here, with and within me today. That presence leads, guides, provides, disciplines, encourages, sanctifies, strengthens. His Spirit witnesses with my Spirit that I am His child and He loves me.

Monday, June 7, 2010


We are beginning a series of messages at Amarillo First Nazarene on the promises of God from the Gospel of John. This Sunday is the promise of joy, John 15:11. Like peace, joy is the salvation of the Lord. Joy is the good news replacing the bad news in the human heart, it is the taste of forgiveness and release from guilt and condemnation. It is the rush of stepping into the Father's arms and being smothered with the embrace of holy love and acceptance. It is the smile that erupts from the depths of a heart that has been liberated, healed, and invaded with Divine holiness. Joy is the awe of being overwhelmed wtih abounding grace and magnificant mercy. Joy is Jesus Christ-Savior, Sanctifier, Shepherd. Joy is the hallelujah of the life redeemed from darkness and death. Joy is the inner dance of a new creature in Christ. Joy is the celebration of God in Christ and the discovery and participation in amazing grace.

I heard Ravi Zacharias say this: Joy for Christian is central and sorrow peripheral. For the unbeliever sorrow is central and joy is peripheral...the fruit of the Spirit is joy.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. It is one of those key markers that has been overshadowed by Christmas and Easter. In the course of God's salvation history, each new revelation of God's amazing grace and redemptive power is essential. The great promise of the Holy Spirit living within anyone who places their faith in Christ. The promise that the wicked, sinful, selfish heart within mankind could be purified, sanctified, and filled with Christ's presence through the Holy Spirit. The promise that love could be enthroned in the human heart replacing the cruel selfishness that marks the history of mankind. The promise of power to be witnesses of Christ's love and grace. Power to be patient, kind, forgiving, merciful. The power to be Christ-like. Some would scoff at such a claim, but this is what mankind was created to be. Be filled with the Spirit! This is the birthright of all mankind. The provision of Christ provided a presence and power to fulfill the purpose of the Father. This is the Divine power to hope, pray, serve, give, to be witnessess. We have a story to tell. We tell it best by living each day to the praise of Christ. We tell each day by living a holiness that radiates the beauty of Jesus Christ. To be filled with the Holy Spirit is the great gift of the Father. All Christ did paved the way for this powerful presence to be realized today, this moment, in your life.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

James Russell Blankenship

Karen’s dad just stepped into eternity this morning (4/15/10). I should say he stepped into the awesome presence of the living Christ. Having lost two key men in my life, my dad six years ago(12/30/03) and now my father in law reminds me of the transient nature of life and how important a place we each play in life. Each of these men had much in common and yet were distinctly different. They were each men of God, whose first love was Jesus Christ. Both knew the importance of prayer and the power of God’s Word. They were patient, kind, generous and gracious. They were leaders, each in their own arena of life, and yet were humble servants. They lived for eternity and walked with a consciousness of the living Christ each day. They were aware of and thankful for the grace of God. They loved to laugh, and each had a smile that was unlike anyone else. Their eyes were of different color, but there was a sparkle in their eyes even when the days were dark. They both were born into a world filled with difficulty and few luxuries. One was a preacher, the other a small town businessman. Both ran the race till the end and were good and faithful servants of the Lord. Neither one had any significant title, but both left a testimony and a legacy of faith and faithfulness. They were devoted, consistent, credible, authentic, real men. They were respected by their peers, cherished by their family, and appreciated by a multitude of others influenced through their service and love. Their final word to us would be the same, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the seat of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of living water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.” For living life well and showing us the way, with deep gratitude and respect I say, THANK YOU to Joseph Lee Donnerberg and James Russell Blankenship.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Way of The Cross

Last night we joined with several other churches in the city and began a three night series of services for holy week. In reality each week, each day is holy-it is the Lord's. A precious gift from Him to all of creation. The challenge of each day is to make it count for Him, to live for eternal glory, to lay up treasures in heaven. Jerry Thomas in his message last night referenced the hymn, 'The Way of The Cross Leads Home.' I'm all about the new music, but I also love some of the great hymns of our faith. This one communicates a great message for us to remember during this special week leading to Easter. "I must needs go home by the way of the cross, there's no other way but this. I shall neer get sight of the gates of light if the way of the cross I miss. I must needs go on in the blood sprinkled way, the path that the Savior trod, if I ever climb to the heights sublime where the soul is at home with God. Then I bid farewell to the way of the world, to walk in it nevermore, for my Lord says, come, and I seek my home where he waits at the open door. The way of the cross leads home. It is sweet to know as I onward go, the way of the cross leads home.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


In West Texas last night I drove to the house in a blizzard. This morning the skies are blue. The contrast reminds me that I am not in control of very much. Handling life is like trying to chase a jackrabbit. It's not easy, neat or predictable. This season of the year declares to mankind that there is hope. It's not a hope built on a new health care mandate, or on an upward trend in the stock market. It is a hope that comes from the heart of Almighty God. The Scriptures say this hope is sure and steadfast, firm and secure (Hebrews 6:19). Peter says we are to be ready to give a reason for the hope that lies within us ( 1 Peter 3:15). The reason for this hope is not that everything in life is working out like we want it, or that we have a found a three step solution for all our problems. The reason is Christ. Christ in us the hope of glory (Colossians 1:17). I can't control blizzards, blues skies, government health care, or another person, but I can control what I fix my hope on. As I write this the song on the internet stream is "our God is an awesome God." Let's not forget this truth that brings hope and eternal life. What God did for us in the Son is awesome! He reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power and love! I have hope. So can you-know Jesus Christ, crucified, raised, coming again.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Good Shepherd

John 10 is a passage full of promise for a world ravaged by fear and anxiety. Our fears are often a direct result of our choice to forget the promises of God and reject His presence. The Good Shepherd illustration is about presence. That presence is the salvation of the sheep. The Good Shepherd does not abandon the sheep to the wolf, thief, or other preditor. The Good Shepherd (there is none good but God), stays with the sheep and this presence is the source of salvation. It's not about the green pastures, still waters or any other blessing. It's about the presence of the Shepherd. The task of the sheep is to listen to the voice of, and follow the lead of the shepherd. There are a lot of voices, most are just noise that intensifies the anxiety and fear. This voice brings assurance, hope, peace, life. It is the voice that shouted from Mt. Calvary. It is the still small voice that connects with the inner ear of mankind. It is the voice of truth, the voice of life. The Shepherd's presence is the promise of life for sheep. I'm learning to trust, listen to his voice, follow his lead, enjoy His presence. I am resisting the corrosive power of fear and anxiety as I rest in His love. Discovering the Good Shepherd is life giving.

Good Shepherd

John 10 is an incredible section of God's Word that is full of promise for mankind. Often our fears and anxieties are a result of our failure to embrace the promises of God. God's primary promise to us is about His presence. The Good Shepherd is a story about God's presence. The sheep need a shepherd to guide, protect, discipline, feed and lead. The presence of the shepherd is the savlation of the sheep. If the shepherd abandons the sheep, the wolf, thief or other preditor comes in and destroys. The Good Shepherd (there is none good but God) never abandons the sheep. His presence is the salvation for the sheep. The salvation is not in the green pastures, still waters or any other provision. The salvation is a result of God keeping His promise and providing His presence. Anxieties and fears subside when we learn to listen to the shepherd's voice and follow His lead. I'm learning to trust, listen to His voice, follow His lead, enjoy His presence and rest in His Almighty power. I am resisting the corrosive power of fear as I recognize His presence. Discovering the Good Shepherd is life giving (John 10:10).

Monday, February 1, 2010


Sometimes I wonder who we are as the body of Christ. This past week the guy in Kansas that killed the abortion doctor was labeled by our news anchor as a 'born again Christian.' I was frustrated when I heard it. The man's own verbage had been frustrating. The last thing He is, is born again. He forgot that Jesus said love your enemies, and whoever thinks about killing someone is guilty of murder. Murdering doctors is no solution to abortion. I was frustrated when one of the talking heads of Christian television recently said God was punishing Haiti with the earthquake. I would think that Haiti is last on the list of needing punishment from God. What about America?! The same group said God was punishing America with the 911 attacks. Frustrating is probably not the best word, but it's a start. How will the world see Christ if this is the messasge that is heard. A born again Christian shoots a doctor in church?! A holy God who is seeking to redeem a lost world turns the most impoverished nation on planet earth up side down? Maybe God is frustrated also, but not with Haiti. How stupid can those who claim to know Him be? As His people we are called to live a life of love. When we do that, I believe the devil is frustrated. When we are truly loving, the nay-sayers against Christianity are silent. The guy in Kansas bought into the world's system of power and control-kill the enemy. The talking head bought into the world's system of hype and sensationalism. Holy Spirit help me to follow Jesus!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sanctity of Life

There are many challenges facing America today. One that has nearly disappeared from the public forum is the issue of abortion and the sanctity of life. The slaughter of the unborn continues in the name of convenience, choice and women's health. The right to life is being denied over a million times a year in America. Denied to the most vulnerable of our culture. The voices of men such as Peter Singer, Francis Crick & Margarat Sanger are finding more and more credibility in our culture. Someone said that abortion is a confusing issue. Really it's not, if we can move beyond our selfish view of life. The issue is life. God challenged the people of Israel to 'choose life (Deut. 30:19)." When we embrace abortion, infanticide, euthenasia, we are choosing death. When we lose sight of a Creator who has formed us with a purposeful life in mind (and in America we have lost sight of the Creator), we may devalue life, and even be willing to destroy it. God calls us to choose life. Not just in the realm of abortion and the killing of the unborn, but in everyday situations. When we choose to love, be kind, forgiving, etc., we are choosing life. When we choose to hate, become bitter, we choose death. When we choose to kill the unborn, we vote for death and devalue our own existence. The destruction of the unborn is often a self serving action and it devalues all of humanity. When the will to get my way compels me to destroy another person, death comes to all. The pro-abortion movement is one of death. We must speak out, vote pro-life, and communicate God's grace to those who have been scarred by abortion. Don't shoot doctors, bomb clinics, or throw rocks through windows-those are death choices. Let the body of Christ speak the truth in love and pray for victory. Choose Life!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Reading E. Stanley Jones' In Christ, as one of my devotionals. He states, "my past is past, buried in His love; my present is His, my future unfolds in Him." This statement speaks of the hope we have in Christ. 'In Christ' is the source of life, joy and hope. As we rush into a new year, may we understand that the time we spend focusing on Christ through His Word and in prayer, will feed our hope. The nightly news will continue to be filled with 'bad news.' The political scene will continue to be frustrating. Relationships in life will continue to be challenging. The stresses and strains of everyday living will continue to be experienced. This is reality and in the middle of what at times is a real mess, Christ's people have hope. A hope that is sure, steadfast, anchored in heaven(Heb.6;19). Peter says this is a living hope (1 Pet. 1:3). Paul says this hope stands in the midst of grief and loss (1 Thess. 4:13). He told the Romans this hope does not disappoint (Rom. 5:3). He told Timothy that Christ is our hope (1 Tim. 1:1). My calling is to get close to Christ and stay close. Kyle Strobel says in his book, Metamorpha, "the aim of the Christian life is not independence, but greater dependence; it is intimacy and love, rather than accomplishment and development." Hope comes in one package-Jesus Christ. Christ in us our hope of glory (Col.1:27).