Monday, May 5, 2008

Power of Pentecost

As we move through the week leading to Pentecost, we want to focus on the promise of power. As I am thinking about this incredible reality, and the promises surrounding this in God's Word, here are a couple thoughts to help us get a handle on this truth.

This power of the Holy Spirit filling and cleansing the human heart is the promise of the new covenant. He will put His Spirit in us (Ezekiel 36:27). Man discovers a source of life outside of himself. Christ lives in us through the Holy Spirit.

This is the power of God to make the heart pure. This is essential because we are God's dwelling place, His temple. Purity, holiness is essential for God's dwelling (1 Cor. 6:19)

This is the power of God to make a man's spirit strong. This provides the ability to pursue and fulfill the Father's will. We are not of those who shrink back (Hebrews 10:39), we are those who press through to find and fulfill the Father's will. Without the Holy Spirit's powerful fullness, the flesh becomes weary and retreats in the hour of difficulty.

This is the power of God to make a man's life fruitful. John 15 identifies this as God's calling. The fruitful life will bring glory to the Father. The fruitful life will bring life, healing, hope into the world around us. This fruitful life is evidence of the Spirit's power. It is a beautiful picture. A Divine work that points others to the Holy and Righteous One (Gal.5:22).

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Power of Pentecost

As we move through the week leading to Pentecost, we want to focus on the promise of power. As I am thinking about this incredible reality, and the promises surrounding this in God's Word, here are a couple thoughts to help us get a handle on this truth.

This power of the Holy Spirit filling and cleansing the human heart is the promise of the new covenant. He will put His Spirit in us (Ezekiel 36:27). Man discovers a source of life outside of himself. Christ lives in us through the Holy Spirit.

This is the power of God to make the heart pure. This is essential because we are God's dwelling place, His temple. Purity, holiness is essential for God's dwelling (1 Cor. 6:19)

This is the power of God to make a man's spirit strong. This provides the ability to pursue and fulfill the Father's will. We are not of those who shrink back (Hebrews 10:39), we are those who press through to find and fulfill the Father's will. Without the Holy Spirit's powerful fullness, the flesh becomes weary and retreats in the hour of difficulty.

This is the power of God to make a man's life fruitful. John 15 identifies this as God's calling. The fruitful life will bring glory to the Father. The fruitful life will bring life, healing, hope into the world around us. This fruitful life is evidence of the Spirit's power. It is a beautiful picture. A Divine work that points others to the Holy and Righteous One (Gal.5:22).

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