Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Everlasting Father / Isaiah 9:6

Some translate this incredible title, 'Father of Eternity.' This One transcends all that has been and all that will be. Out of eternity into time He came for a brief period. If you have seen me you have seen the Father (John 14). What a revelation! The death of my Dad on 12/30/03 was a challenging time, and it still carries its challenges. There are multiple times when I would cherish a word, a hug, a day together. His presence made a difference. I was blessed to have such an excellent father. But he is no longer available, except through the precious gift of memory. But this Father is eternal. There is no end to His life giving presence. This is the Father who provides. He is Yahweh-Jireh (Gen.22:14). This Father is the life giving Father, and the life He gives is eternal. This life flows out of His person, His being. The everlasting Father provides everlasting life. The Son given, the Child born is the life of the Father.

Abba Father: I embrace your love for me. I thank you and rejoice in your provision of amazing grace and unending mercy. I cherish the privilege of being your son. Thank you for my Elder brother who has redeemed me and set me free from sin and death.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Everlasting Father / Isaiah 9:6

Some translate this incredible title, 'Father of Eternity.' This One transcends all that has been and all that will be. Out of eternity into time He came for a brief period. If you have seen me you have seen the Father (John 14). What a revelation! The death of my Dad on 12/30/03 was a challenging time, and it still carries its challenges. There are multiple times when I would cherish a word, a hug, a day together. His presence made a difference. I was blessed to have such an excellent father. But he is no longer available, except through the precious gift of memory. But this Father is eternal. There is no end to His life giving presence. This is the Father who provides. He is Yahweh-Jireh (Gen.22:14). This Father is the life giving Father, and the life He gives is eternal. This life flows out of His person, His being. The everlasting Father provides everlasting life. The Son given, the Child born is the life of the Father.

Abba Father: I embrace your love for me. I thank you and rejoice in your provision of amazing grace and unending mercy. I cherish the privilege of being your son. Thank you for my Elder brother who has redeemed me and set me free from sin and death.

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