Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Nation Confused

The changing of the White House took place this past week. It was a historic time in the history of the U.S. It was also a time of revelation or revealing. If you were listening, you heard the message of confusion flowing from the lips of politicians, preachers and pundits. The confusion was probably best summarized in the prayer of one preacher who invoked the "god of our many understandings." The tragedy of the confusion is it leaves a nation drifting in the middle of the ocean without a paddle. The confusion is nothing new. Mankind has always struggled with idolatry. Instead of submitting to the one true God as revealed in Jesus Christ, mankind invents something that fits what he wants. We should not be surprised that Jesus Christ is not politically correct. God's ways are not the ways of man. As our nation drifts farther away from truth and the wisdom of God, Christ's people must stay on their knees in repentance and humility. Let us pray for this nation and her leaders. Let us pray for the church of Jesus Christ in America. The powers of darkness are at work in politics and religion. Jesus said to beware of politics and religion (Mt. 16:6). Both can be infected with great evil and become tools of darkness. After all the politicians and religious leaders orchestrated the tragedy surrounding the cross of Christ. (See Marva Dawn, Powers, Weakness, and the Tabernacling of God, & the writing of J. Ellul). The body of Christ is to be an alternative society. We are to be pure and free through the cleansing, control and leadership of the Holy Spirit. As another year unfolds, let's pray without ceasing for the church of Jesus Christ to come alive in America. The body of Christ alive, holy, and following Christ is the only hope for our nation and every other nation.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Nation Confused

The changing of the White House took place this past week. It was a historic time in the history of the U.S. It was also a time of revelation or revealing. If you were listening, you heard the message of confusion flowing from the lips of politicians, preachers and pundits. The confusion was probably best summarized in the prayer of one preacher who invoked the "god of our many understandings." The tragedy of the confusion is it leaves a nation drifting in the middle of the ocean without a paddle. The confusion is nothing new. Mankind has always struggled with idolatry. Instead of submitting to the one true God as revealed in Jesus Christ, mankind invents something that fits what he wants. We should not be surprised that Jesus Christ is not politically correct. God's ways are not the ways of man. As our nation drifts farther away from truth and the wisdom of God, Christ's people must stay on their knees in repentance and humility. Let us pray for this nation and her leaders. Let us pray for the church of Jesus Christ in America. The powers of darkness are at work in politics and religion. Jesus said to beware of politics and religion (Mt. 16:6). Both can be infected with great evil and become tools of darkness. After all the politicians and religious leaders orchestrated the tragedy surrounding the cross of Christ. (See Marva Dawn, Powers, Weakness, and the Tabernacling of God, & the writing of J. Ellul). The body of Christ is to be an alternative society. We are to be pure and free through the cleansing, control and leadership of the Holy Spirit. As another year unfolds, let's pray without ceasing for the church of Jesus Christ to come alive in America. The body of Christ alive, holy, and following Christ is the only hope for our nation and every other nation.

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