Monday, September 26, 2011

Fifty Five

I remember when the speed limit was 55-that was a good speed for the 73 Pinto with a top end of around 73. Now I celebrate 55-which reminds me that life is short-we are a vapor, quickly vanishing. The cemetary is full of markers reminding us that life has no guarantees on duration. Death comes, sometimes it comes in a rude manner. Today I count my blessings. I am grateful for a great wife, two beautiful daughters and a great son in law. I am grateful for a mom who still prays for me, for a dad who showed me the Way, who walked the talk. I am grateful for the good people of Christ-who love, give, serve, pray, and stay faithful even when it would be a lot easier to be selfish. Today I read Ps. 103 and Eph. 3:14-20 to begin the day. Both remind me of amazing grace, of the incomprehensible nature of God and the awesome provision of salvation in Christ. God is able. God is slow to anger, compassionate, abounding in love. At this point I sing, 'all the way my savior leads me what have I to ask beside' and 'just as I am without one plea but that Your blood was shed for me.'

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Fifty Five

I remember when the speed limit was 55-that was a good speed for the 73 Pinto with a top end of around 73. Now I celebrate 55-which reminds me that life is short-we are a vapor, quickly vanishing. The cemetary is full of markers reminding us that life has no guarantees on duration. Death comes, sometimes it comes in a rude manner. Today I count my blessings. I am grateful for a great wife, two beautiful daughters and a great son in law. I am grateful for a mom who still prays for me, for a dad who showed me the Way, who walked the talk. I am grateful for the good people of Christ-who love, give, serve, pray, and stay faithful even when it would be a lot easier to be selfish. Today I read Ps. 103 and Eph. 3:14-20 to begin the day. Both remind me of amazing grace, of the incomprehensible nature of God and the awesome provision of salvation in Christ. God is able. God is slow to anger, compassionate, abounding in love. At this point I sing, 'all the way my savior leads me what have I to ask beside' and 'just as I am without one plea but that Your blood was shed for me.'

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