Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Wow! Y2K was a long time ago. The Mayan calendar didn't mean a thing. The predictions of the May date a year ago came and went. We are slow learners. We can't figure God's story out at the end of a pencil or with a fancy calculator. We can't figure God's story out by checking the pulse of Israel every ten minutes. We can't figure it out by forecasting the place of Iran, Iraq, the USSR (that's dated) or any other earthly kingdom. There is a great difference between God's timetable and mine. Understanding that God is not slow, that He is patient and His patience always has a redemptive purpose, is a key to my own trust in His Almighty power (2 Pet 3:9). About a decade into pastoral ministry it was 88 reasons why the rapture is in 1988. The Christian bookstores couldn't keep the book in stock. Then it became 89 reasons why the rapture is in 89. Rapture what? Christ is coming again is our message. Live like you are dying, because we are. Live like Christ is coming again and we are accountable-He is and we are! Christ said to pray, watch, stay awake. When He comes He expects me to be about the Master's business. He expects me to be holy in my behavior. He expects me to be expecting Him! A popular book/movie some time ago was "eat, pray, love." Let's reframe the challenge. Let's commit ourselves to pray, watch, and love. I am grateful for a new year. There can be a freshness about another January 1...then I remember April 15 is just around the corner :). For His glory let us live. E. Stanley Jones states, "If my Redeemer is alive, then I, the redeemed, must live as though I were alive." We are! In Him! Forever!
-Let's make it count for Him...Have a blessed year!

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Wow! Y2K was a long time ago. The Mayan calendar didn't mean a thing. The predictions of the May date a year ago came and went. We are slow learners. We can't figure God's story out at the end of a pencil or with a fancy calculator. We can't figure God's story out by checking the pulse of Israel every ten minutes. We can't figure it out by forecasting the place of Iran, Iraq, the USSR (that's dated) or any other earthly kingdom. There is a great difference between God's timetable and mine. Understanding that God is not slow, that He is patient and His patience always has a redemptive purpose, is a key to my own trust in His Almighty power (2 Pet 3:9). About a decade into pastoral ministry it was 88 reasons why the rapture is in 1988. The Christian bookstores couldn't keep the book in stock. Then it became 89 reasons why the rapture is in 89. Rapture what? Christ is coming again is our message. Live like you are dying, because we are. Live like Christ is coming again and we are accountable-He is and we are! Christ said to pray, watch, stay awake. When He comes He expects me to be about the Master's business. He expects me to be holy in my behavior. He expects me to be expecting Him! A popular book/movie some time ago was "eat, pray, love." Let's reframe the challenge. Let's commit ourselves to pray, watch, and love. I am grateful for a new year. There can be a freshness about another January 1...then I remember April 15 is just around the corner :). For His glory let us live. E. Stanley Jones states, "If my Redeemer is alive, then I, the redeemed, must live as though I were alive." We are! In Him! Forever!
-Let's make it count for Him...Have a blessed year!

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