Monday, May 20, 2013

Waiting -The Perfect Activity

Oswald Chambers is one of my favorite tutors. In his devotional, 'Still Higher For His Highest', he states the following regarding the challenge and call of waiting on the Lord. (June 21).

"To wait upon God is the perfection of activity...resting in the Lord is the patience of Godly confidence."

He builds further thought around the passage in Isaiah 30:15. A stunning passage in itself, calling Israel to submit to the enemy and trust the future to the Lord God Almighty. The response of many in Israel to this directive was to fight, and run and hide and be destroyed. Those who 'waited' upon the Lord for His working and His restoration following His judgment of Israel's sin, found salvation.

The perfection of activity...I am an activity junkee. Always having to do something. Through the years I have setteled some, but it is still easier to be doing something than waiting on 'whomever' it might be. Oswald is stating the obvious...there is nothing more important, nothing that carries such power for renewal and restoration, nothing that opens the door of the mind for insight and understanding, nothing that increases faith, enlarges vision and empowers obedience like waiting on the Lord. Going into His presence with undivided attention upon His Person is the activity I most need. The willingness to lay aside my agenda and focus upon His holiness. The willingness to 'be still and know God'.  The willingness to 'shut the door of the closet' to get alone with the Source of all life.

Isaiah stated it well...'those who wait upon the Lord will.... (40:31).

It could be a dangerous thing to pray-Lord teach me to wait, totally confident in Christ

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Waiting -The Perfect Activity

Oswald Chambers is one of my favorite tutors. In his devotional, 'Still Higher For His Highest', he states the following regarding the challenge and call of waiting on the Lord. (June 21).

"To wait upon God is the perfection of activity...resting in the Lord is the patience of Godly confidence."

He builds further thought around the passage in Isaiah 30:15. A stunning passage in itself, calling Israel to submit to the enemy and trust the future to the Lord God Almighty. The response of many in Israel to this directive was to fight, and run and hide and be destroyed. Those who 'waited' upon the Lord for His working and His restoration following His judgment of Israel's sin, found salvation.

The perfection of activity...I am an activity junkee. Always having to do something. Through the years I have setteled some, but it is still easier to be doing something than waiting on 'whomever' it might be. Oswald is stating the obvious...there is nothing more important, nothing that carries such power for renewal and restoration, nothing that opens the door of the mind for insight and understanding, nothing that increases faith, enlarges vision and empowers obedience like waiting on the Lord. Going into His presence with undivided attention upon His Person is the activity I most need. The willingness to lay aside my agenda and focus upon His holiness. The willingness to 'be still and know God'.  The willingness to 'shut the door of the closet' to get alone with the Source of all life.

Isaiah stated it well...'those who wait upon the Lord will.... (40:31).

It could be a dangerous thing to pray-Lord teach me to wait, totally confident in Christ

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