Saturday, February 8, 2014

Christ Is

The Olympics are a great celebration of the strength and ability of man. I'm in awe of what these highly trained athletes are capable of. My fear factor is too high to even attempt what they do on a daily basis. They are to be celebrated and applauded for their effort and excellence. When Jesus walked the earth He never compared himself to another man, but came as the revelation of the true and living God. The "I AM" statements found in John's Gospel, reveal the greatness of His person. They set Him apart from all others who ever made any claim to deity, perfection, strength, or wisdom. He stands alone in the chronicles of history as the One who is the "I AM." Bread of Life, Light of the World, True Vine-bold statements coming from the Nazarene from Galilee. All statements that touch the need within the heart of man. Jesus came not for himself to win an award, or gain the applause of man, He came for the lost, dark, sinful world. He didn't compete to gain something for himself, He was the one 'sent' from the Father full of grace and truth. He competed with the forces of darkness to open the door to abundant life. He came to give the woman at the well living water. While on earth he was in constant conflict with political and religious forces that had lost the heart of God. He wrestled against the principalities and powers of darkness and in the ultimate moment of competition and conflict, He prevailed by declaring 'It Is Finished." Satan's world laughed, it appeared that darkness had won, but the competition wasn't over and Christ IS King of kings and Lord of lords today. Christ IS our champion. The Author and Finisher of our faith. Let us celebrate His victory for us-Light has triumphed over darkness. There is hope for whosoever will...Come to me...believe on me....Jesus

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Christ Is

The Olympics are a great celebration of the strength and ability of man. I'm in awe of what these highly trained athletes are capable of. My fear factor is too high to even attempt what they do on a daily basis. They are to be celebrated and applauded for their effort and excellence. When Jesus walked the earth He never compared himself to another man, but came as the revelation of the true and living God. The "I AM" statements found in John's Gospel, reveal the greatness of His person. They set Him apart from all others who ever made any claim to deity, perfection, strength, or wisdom. He stands alone in the chronicles of history as the One who is the "I AM." Bread of Life, Light of the World, True Vine-bold statements coming from the Nazarene from Galilee. All statements that touch the need within the heart of man. Jesus came not for himself to win an award, or gain the applause of man, He came for the lost, dark, sinful world. He didn't compete to gain something for himself, He was the one 'sent' from the Father full of grace and truth. He competed with the forces of darkness to open the door to abundant life. He came to give the woman at the well living water. While on earth he was in constant conflict with political and religious forces that had lost the heart of God. He wrestled against the principalities and powers of darkness and in the ultimate moment of competition and conflict, He prevailed by declaring 'It Is Finished." Satan's world laughed, it appeared that darkness had won, but the competition wasn't over and Christ IS King of kings and Lord of lords today. Christ IS our champion. The Author and Finisher of our faith. Let us celebrate His victory for us-Light has triumphed over darkness. There is hope for whosoever will...Come to me...believe on me....Jesus

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