Monday, February 1, 2010


Sometimes I wonder who we are as the body of Christ. This past week the guy in Kansas that killed the abortion doctor was labeled by our news anchor as a 'born again Christian.' I was frustrated when I heard it. The man's own verbage had been frustrating. The last thing He is, is born again. He forgot that Jesus said love your enemies, and whoever thinks about killing someone is guilty of murder. Murdering doctors is no solution to abortion. I was frustrated when one of the talking heads of Christian television recently said God was punishing Haiti with the earthquake. I would think that Haiti is last on the list of needing punishment from God. What about America?! The same group said God was punishing America with the 911 attacks. Frustrating is probably not the best word, but it's a start. How will the world see Christ if this is the messasge that is heard. A born again Christian shoots a doctor in church?! A holy God who is seeking to redeem a lost world turns the most impoverished nation on planet earth up side down? Maybe God is frustrated also, but not with Haiti. How stupid can those who claim to know Him be? As His people we are called to live a life of love. When we do that, I believe the devil is frustrated. When we are truly loving, the nay-sayers against Christianity are silent. The guy in Kansas bought into the world's system of power and control-kill the enemy. The talking head bought into the world's system of hype and sensationalism. Holy Spirit help me to follow Jesus!

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Monday, February 1, 2010


Sometimes I wonder who we are as the body of Christ. This past week the guy in Kansas that killed the abortion doctor was labeled by our news anchor as a 'born again Christian.' I was frustrated when I heard it. The man's own verbage had been frustrating. The last thing He is, is born again. He forgot that Jesus said love your enemies, and whoever thinks about killing someone is guilty of murder. Murdering doctors is no solution to abortion. I was frustrated when one of the talking heads of Christian television recently said God was punishing Haiti with the earthquake. I would think that Haiti is last on the list of needing punishment from God. What about America?! The same group said God was punishing America with the 911 attacks. Frustrating is probably not the best word, but it's a start. How will the world see Christ if this is the messasge that is heard. A born again Christian shoots a doctor in church?! A holy God who is seeking to redeem a lost world turns the most impoverished nation on planet earth up side down? Maybe God is frustrated also, but not with Haiti. How stupid can those who claim to know Him be? As His people we are called to live a life of love. When we do that, I believe the devil is frustrated. When we are truly loving, the nay-sayers against Christianity are silent. The guy in Kansas bought into the world's system of power and control-kill the enemy. The talking head bought into the world's system of hype and sensationalism. Holy Spirit help me to follow Jesus!

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