Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Good Shepherd

John 10 is a passage full of promise for a world ravaged by fear and anxiety. Our fears are often a direct result of our choice to forget the promises of God and reject His presence. The Good Shepherd illustration is about presence. That presence is the salvation of the sheep. The Good Shepherd does not abandon the sheep to the wolf, thief, or other preditor. The Good Shepherd (there is none good but God), stays with the sheep and this presence is the source of salvation. It's not about the green pastures, still waters or any other blessing. It's about the presence of the Shepherd. The task of the sheep is to listen to the voice of, and follow the lead of the shepherd. There are a lot of voices, most are just noise that intensifies the anxiety and fear. This voice brings assurance, hope, peace, life. It is the voice that shouted from Mt. Calvary. It is the still small voice that connects with the inner ear of mankind. It is the voice of truth, the voice of life. The Shepherd's presence is the promise of life for sheep. I'm learning to trust, listen to his voice, follow his lead, enjoy His presence. I am resisting the corrosive power of fear and anxiety as I rest in His love. Discovering the Good Shepherd is life giving.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Good Shepherd

John 10 is a passage full of promise for a world ravaged by fear and anxiety. Our fears are often a direct result of our choice to forget the promises of God and reject His presence. The Good Shepherd illustration is about presence. That presence is the salvation of the sheep. The Good Shepherd does not abandon the sheep to the wolf, thief, or other preditor. The Good Shepherd (there is none good but God), stays with the sheep and this presence is the source of salvation. It's not about the green pastures, still waters or any other blessing. It's about the presence of the Shepherd. The task of the sheep is to listen to the voice of, and follow the lead of the shepherd. There are a lot of voices, most are just noise that intensifies the anxiety and fear. This voice brings assurance, hope, peace, life. It is the voice that shouted from Mt. Calvary. It is the still small voice that connects with the inner ear of mankind. It is the voice of truth, the voice of life. The Shepherd's presence is the promise of life for sheep. I'm learning to trust, listen to his voice, follow his lead, enjoy His presence. I am resisting the corrosive power of fear and anxiety as I rest in His love. Discovering the Good Shepherd is life giving.

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