Saturday, April 19, 2014


What more do we want? What does our deepest desire really reflect? Have we overlooked the most awesome reality of everyday living? How easy we take this awesome truth for granted-like we take a breath of air for granted. He is here, now, the living Christ is within the heart of the believer and about him/her at all times and in all places. He has overcome this pain filled world and grants us peace, joy, hope, life for the journey of life. Because of His presence, here and now, the Christian has a distinct advantage over those who choose not to believe. Christ, the Good Shepherd, leads us each step of the way. He gives strength for the journey and enables us to discern and discover the eternal significance of each day. Let's practice the presence of the living Christ. The early church moved forward with a holy boldness that reflected their knowledge of His presence. They were confident and courageous in the middle of a hostile and difficult environment. His presence didn't make life easy for them, it brought purpose to their every day living. Christ lives and wants to live out his holy life through us. He wants to live His love through us, show His compassion and mercy through us and enable us to be light and salt. This is all possible because HE IS HERE! Let not your heart be troubled, I have overcome this world, I am with you to the end of the journey, my grace is sufficient for you-REJOICE! Christ lives. Let's believe it and live like it. For His glory. HE IS HERE!

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Saturday, April 19, 2014


What more do we want? What does our deepest desire really reflect? Have we overlooked the most awesome reality of everyday living? How easy we take this awesome truth for granted-like we take a breath of air for granted. He is here, now, the living Christ is within the heart of the believer and about him/her at all times and in all places. He has overcome this pain filled world and grants us peace, joy, hope, life for the journey of life. Because of His presence, here and now, the Christian has a distinct advantage over those who choose not to believe. Christ, the Good Shepherd, leads us each step of the way. He gives strength for the journey and enables us to discern and discover the eternal significance of each day. Let's practice the presence of the living Christ. The early church moved forward with a holy boldness that reflected their knowledge of His presence. They were confident and courageous in the middle of a hostile and difficult environment. His presence didn't make life easy for them, it brought purpose to their every day living. Christ lives and wants to live out his holy life through us. He wants to live His love through us, show His compassion and mercy through us and enable us to be light and salt. This is all possible because HE IS HERE! Let not your heart be troubled, I have overcome this world, I am with you to the end of the journey, my grace is sufficient for you-REJOICE! Christ lives. Let's believe it and live like it. For His glory. HE IS HERE!

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