Thursday, April 17, 2014

He Lives

In John 11, Mary and Martha both make the typical human statement when something beyond our control takes place and we wish God had intervened to change the picture. "Lord if you had been here..." Later in the chapter those who were mockers of Christ used the same type of statement...He did this, why didn't He do that?! If we could only get God to behave like we wanted, when we wanted, with the outcomes we wanted. The resurrection of Jesus Christ does not nullify our desire for God to act like we want, but nullifies the need for it. God has acted on behalf of mankind in the most powerful and explicit manner. He sent the Son, gave the Son up to be crucified and brought Him out of the grave and back to His right hand. Let us not fear, doubt, complain or refuse to be grateful. Let us learn to live knowing that Jesus is with us now! Even when our Lazarus dies, even when the tribulations of this world seem overwhelming (Jn.16:33), Jesus Christ is here. If you had been to be replaced with, "HE IS HERE-ALWAYS...even unto the end." Being with us does not negate the painfull realities of everyday life. His presence, practiced and embraced with a grateful and humble heart, brings peace and joy to the journey. Trouble? Yes! His Presence? Yes! Hallelujah-Christ lives!

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

He Lives

In John 11, Mary and Martha both make the typical human statement when something beyond our control takes place and we wish God had intervened to change the picture. "Lord if you had been here..." Later in the chapter those who were mockers of Christ used the same type of statement...He did this, why didn't He do that?! If we could only get God to behave like we wanted, when we wanted, with the outcomes we wanted. The resurrection of Jesus Christ does not nullify our desire for God to act like we want, but nullifies the need for it. God has acted on behalf of mankind in the most powerful and explicit manner. He sent the Son, gave the Son up to be crucified and brought Him out of the grave and back to His right hand. Let us not fear, doubt, complain or refuse to be grateful. Let us learn to live knowing that Jesus is with us now! Even when our Lazarus dies, even when the tribulations of this world seem overwhelming (Jn.16:33), Jesus Christ is here. If you had been to be replaced with, "HE IS HERE-ALWAYS...even unto the end." Being with us does not negate the painfull realities of everyday life. His presence, practiced and embraced with a grateful and humble heart, brings peace and joy to the journey. Trouble? Yes! His Presence? Yes! Hallelujah-Christ lives!

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